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Construction And Development Of The Competency Model Of H Company

Posted on:2019-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R HuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330566462989Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the past 40 years,the rapid development of China's economy has achieved world-renowned achievements.When the scale of the economy reaches a certain leve and when the economic growth rate slow down,many Chinese companies,especially private enterprises,will have to go abroad to participate in the world competition and have to possess a very strong overall strength and very strong core advantages in order to do well in the world economy.The report of the Nineteenth Congress proposed that the door to China's opening up will grow bigger and bigger.Economic import and export will become the norm.This is an opportunity and a challenge for Chinese companies.The first is the opportunity.The external market is large enough.Many countries need China's equipment,technology and efficiency.The second is the challenge.Going out means a lot of uncertainty and the rules of the game have changed.This is a challenge for Chinese companies.In this age of coexistence of opportunities and challenges,Chinese companies will shift from the previous emphasis on "quantity" growth to "quantity" and "quality" growth.Only with certain strength can they participate in world competition.In fact,competition among enterprises is the competition for talents.Who are the talents that companies need,what are the standards of talents.Companies need a set of tools and methods for identifying talents,and in this context,many companies have begun to introduce competency models.I selected the actual case of H company's construction and development of competency model.By analyzing the technology and process of the competency model construction,we combined the company strategy with the competency model to highlight the capabilities of the company's strategy.Next,we will analyze the development and application of competency model in human resource management.The first is the development of hiring and selection.H company furthers the behavioralization model and scores,develops competences in the competency model as topics for interviews,and learns about candidates' past experiences through structured interviews and through the description of the event to understand its role,actions taken and the results produced,using the past to predict the future.The second is development of training,H company,based on the results of competency assessment,find out the advantages and disadvantages of the cadres,develop a targeted training plan,improve the effectiveness of training and reduce training input.The third is performance management development.Company H has built models into the information system and conducted regular evaluations of competency.Through comprehensive and systematic analysis,H company helps officers to recognize themselves,formulate improvement plans,and track implementation.Finally,in the development of talent inventory,the competency model is the premise of talent inventory.That is to say,H company measures existing personnel based on a ruler,and then assesses the competency of the cadre through the talent inventory meeting and helps them plan the career future.After H Company established the competency model and its application,the level of human resources management has been greatly improved,and it is hoped that it can provide reference for other companies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Openness, increased competition, talent, competency model, construction and development
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