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A Surveyof Sociological Research On Precision Poverty Alleviation In Noortheast Chongqing

Posted on:2019-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
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Accurate poverty alleviation is one of the important contents of building a well-to-do society.Since General Secretary Xi Jinping first came to Hunan Xiangxi for the first time to provide accurate poverty alleviation,China's precision poverty alleviation work has achieved great achievements both in theory and in practice.At present,the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way is getting closer.The task of precision poverty alleviation is even more daunting,especially for the northeastern part of Chongqing,because it is a special geographical location with large reservoir areas,large mountains,and little cultivated land.Difficulties are even greater.Therefore,studying the poverty alleviation under the conditions of this region has important theoretical and policy values.This article selected Tuxiang County,Chongqing City,as the main investigation point,is based on the entire northeastern region in the accurate poverty alleviation operations,the accurate poverty alleviation in Tuxiang town has a typical representative.Through the previous review of the literature,the three main bodies of the grass-roots government,poverty-relief cadres,and poverty-stricken households were identified as the objects of observation.In the survey,a typical investigation method,participation observation method,interview method,and questionnaire survey method were used in a comprehensive manner to describe and analyze the precise poverty alleviation situation in Tuxiang County,Fengjie County,Chongqing.Focus on observing the behavior,thoughts and action effects of the three main bodies in precision poverty alleviation,and analyze and extract the problems existing in the local poverty alleviation practice.In response to these problems,we attempted to use sociological related theories to develop more in-depth thinking.In solving the problems,we have solved the problem of solvingthe problem of the individualized characteristics of Tuxiang Town,and focused on the path of accurate poverty alleviation in the entire northeastern Chongqing Province with the same physical and geographical conditions.Exploration,this is the significance of this study.In accurate poverty alleviation actions,the grassroots government is the main body of action for implementing poverty alleviation policies and formulating specific ways and means of implementation.The analysis found that: 1.Government actions usually start from a macro perspective,aiming at achieving complete implementation process and policy coverage,and strictly follow the inherent work rules and procedures of the system.2.The concrete action execution process is carried out by grassroots poverty alleviation cadres.Since poverty reduction cadres' specific poverty alleviation work has certain administrative attributes,the poverty alleviation cadres will strictly follow the work flow when implementing higher level policies,emphasizing the standardization and proceduralization in the implementation process,which to a certain extent neglects the implementation of A review of the effectiveness.3.The audience for policy implementation is poor households.They are both an indispensable part of the implementation process and an ultimate experience of poverty alleviation.The poverty alleviation effect of poor households affects the change of grass-roots poverty alleviation policies to some extent.Through the survey,it was found that the Accurate Poverty Alleviation Campaign in Tuxiang County in Fengjie County showed several common problems in the northeastern Chongqing Province: First,the grass-roots government.The efficiency of the identification work in the early phase of precision poverty alleviation needs to be improved;the cost of poverty reduction in the implementation process is highly effective;and there is a lack of diversity in the support measures.The second is the poor households.The awareness of active poverty alleviation is lacking to a certain extent,so the phenomenon of relying on the phenomenon is rather heavy,and the correct values of poverty alleviation have not been established from the ideological level;poor households rarely participate in project decision-making and passively accept projects in the poverty alleviation process;the endogenous driving force for poverty alleviation exists to some extent.insufficient.The third is poverty reduction cadres.The lack ofreasonable autonomy in the work process affects the work efficiency and work enthusiasm;the poor helper's consciousness leads to diminished effectiveness;the help measures simplify the formalism to a certain extent.In response to the common problems existing in these precision poverty alleviation discoveries at the survey sites,we propose some targeted countermeasures in the northeastern Yunnan region: First,the grassroots government.Improve poverty alleviation policies,improve the accuracy of identification,establish an early-warning mechanism for poverty,increase the efficiency of the use of poverty-reducing resources and the precision of delivery;adapt measures to local conditions and implement accurate policies.Second,the poor households.Establish a correct outlook on poverty,honoring and disgrace,and innovate the way of anti-poverty propaganda and education;Poverty alleviation projects are tailored to local conditions to protect the rights of poor households to participate actively;the introduction of social workers assisting the poor helps them to stimulate their endogenous poverty.Third,in the aspect of helping the poor.We will improve relevant regulations,give grassroots cadres reasonable autonomy,change administrative thinking in poverty alleviation actions,improve supervision mechanisms for poverty alleviation cadres,improve assessment and evaluation mechanisms for poverty alleviation work,and stimulate work enthusiasm for poverty alleviation cadres.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accurate poverty alleviation, Poverty, Countermeasures
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