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Research On The Role Of Marketing In Russia's Economic Transformation

Posted on:2019-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L S J N KeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330548455559Subject:Political and economic
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 1992,Soviet Union fall apart.From 1992 Russia faced radical economic reforms characterized by price liberalization,free conversation of ruble and privatization of economy("shock therapy").New government was hoping to take this into the track of market economy.However,contrary to the wishes of the party,the radical economic reform did not form a complete market economy in Russia.On the contrary,the massive monopoly economy formed during the reform in the economic and financial oligarchies led to the vicious inflation in Russia,the economic recession year after year,the shortage of materials and the people's livelihood.In 1997,the Asian financial crisis once again hit Russia's newly revived economy.Until entering the 21 st century,with the continuous rise of energy prices,the Russian economy has gradually out of the woods.At present,the industrial products of Russian enterprises are not competitive in the market.Their economic structure is overly dependent on energy resources.The instability and unpredictability of energy market prices have made Russia's economic development challenge.How to improve the international competitiveness of Russia's manufactured products and get Russia's economy out of dependence on the international energy market is an issue of great practical significance.In this thesis,we argue that according to the Marxist theory of value realization,one of the important reasons for the lack of competitiveness of Russian industrial products is that Russian theoretical circles and enterprises have failed to fundamentally change the thinking under planned economy,neglected marketing for a long time.Of the demand is not sensitive,so products produced do not meet the needs of the market,product value cannot be achieved,resulting in decline in corporate profits or even not survive in the market,but also brought a waste of social resources.Therefore,from the perspective of enterprise-level wholesome marketing environment now is not achievable,to some extent to solve the problems facing the production process in Russian enterprises to enhance the competitiveness of Russian products.Secondly,according to the Marxist theory of commodity fetishism,in the society in which the commodity economy dominates,there is no limit to pursuing the rapid economic growth,unlimited pursuit of material desire,and the phenomenon of unrestrained waste everywhere.If we strictly rely on market needs for commodity production,it will also bring about excessive waste of social resources.Proper national planning is needed to guide economic operations.Therefore,combined with the phenomenon of oligopolistic economy with a large degree of market competition in Russia's transitional economy,this paper argues that it is necessary to combine the national plan with the market mechanism to coordinate the production and consumption at the governmental level.Corporate awareness of market competition and improve the competitiveness of Russian enterprises in the industrial products market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx production process, Commodity fetishism, Marketing
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