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The Innovation Of Rural Financial Services In Inner Mongolia

Posted on:2018-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542968853Subject:Agricultural Science and Technology Organization and services
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The party's 16 th National Congress of the second session of the important content of the thought of balancing urban and rural development as a scientific development view,put forward: "urban and rural economic and social development,construction of modern agriculture,rural economic development,increase the income of the farmers,is building a well-off society in an all-round way major task",in the hope that through the idea of overall development solve problems facing agriculture,rural areas and farmers and to eliminate the dual economic structure.In recent years,Inner Mongolia's economy has entered a rapid development stage,the government and financial institutions from the policy to the funds to increase support for rural areas.Inner Mongolia rural areas to support agriculture credit funds increased proportion,but compared with the eastern coastal developed areas are still relatively large.At present,Inner Mongolia is in a critical period of economic and social transformation.With the rapid progress of China marketization,industrialization,urbanization,rural areas of economic and social structure occurred profound changes.In the transition process,the existing rural financial system has been unable to adapt to and meet the needs of the rural areas of economic and social development,seriously restricts the solution of three agriculture,not only affects the rural areas of economic and social development,it also brought many negative effects to the rural areas of social stability.Therefore,in Inner Mongolia rural economic and social structure transformation,in-depth study of rural areas of financial development status and existing problems,explore the scientific financial development in the rural areas of the path,to speed up the rural areas of economic and social development,conducive to agriculture and animal husbandry sustainable production and farmers continued to increase.This article attempts to through theoretical analysis and empirical analysis to explore the urban and rural development,a new stage of building a new socialist countryside,the development of rural finance in Inner Mongolia are less than what,and in order to we need to take some measures to solve these problems.On the basis of the related literature at home and abroad on the rural financial development theories on financial liberalization theory,financial deepening theory,financial repression theory and the rural financial market theory and other theories,analyzes the current situation of the development of rural finance in Inner Mongolia,Inner Mongolia formed by the state-owned commercial banks as the main body,common development policy banks,joint-stock commercial banks and local financial institutions,rural credit cooperatives and other financial organizations,diversified financial pattern.Inner Mongolia has formed a rural financial system based on formal financial institutions,formal financial institutions and informal financial organizations.Financial system is not perfect,the service function of the financial infrastructure inadequate emergency facilities not complete,the rural loan interest rate of Inner Mongolia rural financial development,the interest burden is heavy,non formal financial services active but problems,the development of agricultural insurance,the lag of rural financial credit system is not perfect,the problem is difficult to integrate agricultural credit funds etc..To solve these problems,this paper puts forward the financial policy guidance,financial organization system innovation in rural areas;improve the reform of the rural commercial bank,deepening the "three rights" reform in rural areas and promoting the "three rights" mortgage loan,establishing and perfecting the rural financial system;the establishment of financial services to legal protection,to promote the construction of rural legal environment;the innovation of supervision mode,countermeasures and suggestions,Innovative service model in seven aspects to build a good regulatory environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inner Mongolia, Rural finance, Service Innovation
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