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Research Of Kampung Naga(West Java,Indonesia) Development And Strategy

Posted on:2018-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H RaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542956460Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Indonesia is an archipelago country with great tourism potential in Southeast Asia.The country enriched with many ethnic groups,culturals and natural resources.For each ethnic group,they have their own unique local culture manners and habits which inherited from their ancestor and passed down from generation to generation.Their wisdoms and belief contributes to their life philosophy,attitude and behavior in social and the way they keep their environment sustainability.Study of tourism in Kampung Naga village aims to provide information about tourism products(attractions,cultural activities,accomodations,facilities and supporting facilities)and have research study analysis discussing problems that occur in developing the village itself.The analysis will be using SWOT(strength,weakness,opportunity,and threat)method.The SWOT analysis will help determine future development in increasing employment and economy.The success of a tourist attraction does not depend entirely on its nature,but also as well as its cultural and integrated facilities and utilities.Contribution of local government,the private sector,and the community in preserving the nature,environment,and natural resources are needed to attract more tourist visiting Kampung Naga village thus may improve image of Indonesia.Qualitative and quantitative research methods are used to carry out relevant data,which were collected through interviews,questionnaires,analysis,and queries.The study of Tourism Development in Kampung Naga will be devided into seven parts,which are:The first part is Introduction.Mainly focusing on background,purpose,content and research methods.The second part is the summary of the related research(within and around Kampung Naga)The third part discuss about the development of tourism in Indonesia,West Java tourism development,and the condition of Kampung Naga village.The fourth part is analysis of the current situation of Kampung Naga Culture Tourism,based on tourism products theory,linked with SWOT analysis(strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats)The fifth part is the the conclusion and potential,contains whole summary,as well as the lack of analysis,and prospects in the future,and this chapter provides strategy for Kampung Naga tourism development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Indonesia, Tourism Development, Kampung Naga, National Culture, Strategic Planning
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