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Research And Application Of "Standardized And Informatized" Hazard Investigation System In Copper Smelting Enterprises

Posted on:2018-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T YanFull Text:PDF
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The copper smelting industry,with large-scale equipment,continuous production,high speed,automation and product diversification characteristics,production process points,long and wide,covering power,smelting,refining,electrolysis,sulfuric acid,mineral processing and transportation of multiple production lines.There are many risk factors such as high temperature,high pressure,flammable,explosive,toxic and harmful,and the difficulty of the investigation and management of hidden danger is greater,once the accident,the consequences will be greater.Enterprise security management belongs to the category of risk management,risk management is based on the hazard identification system to carry out,so it is necessary to construct the hidden danger standard knowledge base needs to be based on the risk source identification system.This paper takes G smelting enterprises hidden investigation as an example,according to the basic principle of risk control,the production process hazard identification and division of copper smelting enterprises from four aspects: production facilities,process and environment,using job hazard analysis(JHA),Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(FMEA),Hazard and Operability Study(HAZOP)and Energy source analysis(ESA),security risks of copper smelting production process,systematically identified,combined with the existing management method,control strategies corresponding to the formation of troubleshooting knowledge base of professional,to provide support for the enterprises hidden investigation work.Modern information technology is applied to the hidden investigation and management,can effectively improve the efficiency of troubleshooting,standard troubleshooting workflow,dynamic tracking,realize the risks of closed-loop management.By introducing statistical methods into an information system,the information about hazards may be statistically analyzed in time,to provide evidences for related safety management personnel to make corresponding safety decisions.The standardized information-based hazard checking and controlling system,constructed based on knowledge bases about hazard checking and controlling standards and information technologies,makes approaches available for all-round,diverse and multi-level governance of hazard checking and control,in order to further control accidents and improve safety management of enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Copper smelting, Risk management, Hazard identification, Standardization and informatization, Hidden danger investigation
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