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Research On The Relationship Between Time And Creative Performance Over Hlm

Posted on:2018-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536952448Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the relationship between age and performance has been a research focus in the area of human resources.These studies mainly hold the following three points: first,the age was positively correlated with performance,which means performance will increase with age.Second,the relationship between age and performance is an inverted u-shaped curve,which means performance increases with age early in career,and performance declines with age later in career.Third,the relationship between age and performance is uncertain.These three perspectives differ in researchers' samples,time span,and performance measurement indicators.This paper analyses the positive correlation between age and performance,makes time sequence as independent variables instead of the age and makes creative performance as dependent variables instead of mental performance.This paper aims to further discuss the positive correlation between time and creative performance.This paper uses college teachers as sample,with the published time sequence as the time variable.Also,this paper uses affecting factors to measure creative performance and uses quadratic equation of hierarchical linear modeling to fit the data.Analysis draws from the following three aspects: first,using zero model to fit the data,indicating the relationship between time and creative performance.Second,using quadratic model to fit the data,indicating the direction,strength,and change rate of creative performance over time.Third,using quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure creative performance for further validation,which compares the differences in the development of performance.Based on the above analysis,this paper draws the following results:(1)There are correlation between time and creative performance,and the differences between different individuals.(2)Creative performance will grow with time,and the growth rate will decrease.(3)Relative to the quantitative indicator,the slowing rate of creative performance with the qualitative indicator is more obvious,demonstrating creative performance grow differently with different indicators.This paper provides a new perspective with longitudinal study of creative performance.Previous research used age as independent variables,and few of them based on time sequence.This paper will put the time sequence as the time variable,which can better study the continuous output of the individual performance.According to the conclusions of the study,The paper put forward feasible proposals such as delayed retirement policy and talents introduction policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:time sequence, creative performance, hierarchical liner modeling
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