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Study On The Credit Card Marketing Strategy Of A Bank In Yangjiang

Posted on:2018-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536476206Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bank A is one of the five largest state-owned commercial banks in China.The Bank A is the earliest bank issuing credit cards in the country.After 30 years of development,the credit card products and functions have been improved to meet the demands of different customers.demand.At present,the credit card market has four major characteristics,such as the surge of credit card,new trading methods,intense competition,and huge impact of Internet consumer finance.Yangjiang Bank A credit card center needs to carry out marketing strategy in line with the new situation.This paper summarizes the academic research theory of marketing strategy,mainly customer value theory,relationship marketing theory,STP strategy,4Ps theory,4Cs marketing theory,SWOT theory.Foreign credit card marketing strategy on the research results can be summarized as follows: credit card marketing mainly from the customer relationship,brand,and other agencies in collaboration with other aspects of the credit card product itself has little effect on the marketing effect.In the domestic research review,the research of credit card marketing strategy includes the research of credit card marketing strategy based on national bank credit card situation,marketing strategy research based on STP perspective,marketing strategy research based on specific bank credit card branch case and internet shock study.Yangjiang Bank has four major advantages: a good brand image,flexible pricing mechanism,a wide range of varieties covering a wide range and a improving organizational structure system;facing four major weakness: the traditional credit card fee income growth,the target group is not clear,inadequate service innovation,industry marketing resources utilization is not sufficient;three major opportunities: with the policy of expanding domestic demand to stimulate consumption,the concept of the prevalence of advanced consumption,large data and personal credit system improvement;facing there threats :the declining economic growth will increase credit risk,credit card profit margins squeezed,the impact of emerging means of payment.After internal data analysis and research,Yangjiang A Bank's target market selection between23-50 years of high income urban customers.This paper puts forward the improvement strategy according to the 4P theory: the product strategy has three measures: improving the product,improving the service quality and shaping the image of the product.The pricing strategy uses the "price discrimination" strategy,including the pricing strategy of high-quality customers,Customer strategy;channel strategy to develop online channels and specific customer direct marketing strategy;promotional strategies,including internal promotions within the staff strategy,the use of Internet technology to optimize customer experience,advertising strategy,joint business promotional activities to enhance value-added services.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yangjiang A Bank, Credit Card, Marketing Strategy, SWOT
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