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Research On Competitive Strategy Of Search Market Enterprises

Posted on:2018-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518989437Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 2010, Google came out of mainland China, Baidu has always been the highest market share occupy the dominant position. However, 360, Sogou and other search engines are also growing, has been hot pursuit of Baidu, the search market gradually formed the utmost trend. According to CNNIC released the "2015 Chinese Internet users search behavior survey report" shows that as of December 2015, Baidu search search engine users in the penetration rate of 93.1%, followed by 360 search and Sogou search (including Tencent search) The penetration rates were 37.0% and 35.8%, respectively.Sogou as the Chinese search market competition in the challenger, how to deal with the rapidly changing market environment, continue to narrow the gap between leading enterprises and improve their market share, the choice and implementation of its competitive strategy is the key issue.This paper takes Sogou as the research object, takes Porter's competitive strategy theory and Internet economic characteristics as the research basis, analyzes the external environment and the internal environment of Sogou company, and uses the SWOT matrix analysis tool to challenge the advantages and disadvantages of Sogou's company To discuss the final search for Sogou competitive strategy selection and implementation of the recommendations.The innovation of this paper is to choose Sogou's latest development as a case sample. In the competitive market environment of search engine, it is analyzed how the market challenger can reduce the market gap and create a competitive advantage. In the new situation, The theory is discussed and verified again.
Keywords/Search Tags:Search market, Competitive strategy, Internet
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