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The Quality Cost Management Of Q Enterprise Based On QFD Method

Posted on:2018-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,automobile manufacturing enterprises recall incidents always occurred in China.We can often see "fresh" recall incident whenever searching it.It can be seen from one side of the existing automobile product quality problems had call more attention.With the increasingly meager profits of China's automobile manufacturing industry,cost control has become a required course of automobile manufacturing enterprises.Therefore,it is of great significance to study on the quality cost management of automobile manufacturers.This paper takes Q automobile manufacturing enterprises as the background,using QFD(Quality Function Deployment)to optimize the quality of their cost management,in order to achieve the goal of cost reduction to be more profitability.It has been introduced the background and significance of this paper in the first part;the second part is the theoretical basis,mainly on the cost management theory,internal control theory and quality cost management theory,in order to provide theoretical support;in the third part,the method of QFD is summarized,have a general introduction of the core tools--the house of quality,and expounds the important role of QFD in the quality cost management;the fourth part is the Q automobile manufacturing enterprise's present situation analysis,investigation and research in the manufacturing of Q automobile enterprises and access to information,discovered the existence of enterprise quality cost management problems,and analysis;in the fifth part introduce the QFD to the quality cost managemen of Q automobile manufacturing enterprises,puts forward the proposal and the safeguard measures;the sixth part is the conclusion of the paper.This is the first time of applying QFD method into the automobile manufacturing enterprise quality cost management,in terms of theoretical significance,the introduction of QFD method expand the use of QFD in the study of automobile manufacturing enterprise quality cost management;in practical aspect,it is an innovation in the exploration of quality cost control method,it provides a new idea for the study of quality cost management of automobile manufacturing enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality Cost, Quality Function Deployment(QFD), Car Manufacturing Enterprise, Cost Management
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