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Research On The Functional Optimization Of Supply And Marketing Cooperatives In Hubei Province

Posted on:2018-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ManFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518482720Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Supply and marketing cooperatives as the largest cooperative organization, rooted in rural areas, close to farmers, service agriculture, with a sound organizational system,network distribution and other advantages, is the party committees and governments at all levels to serve the "three rural" an important starting point. Supply and marketing cooperatives in Hubei province through the reform and development in recent years, its own strength has grown, grassroots organizations more sound, owned enterprises have significantly improved the strength. While these achievements have been achieved, but for many reasons, the functions of supply and marketing cooperatives in Hubei province still have problems, resulting in weakening or even deviating from the core functions of agricultural services. At present, With the upgrading of rural production and living needs,the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives has been gradually deepened. If the functions of the supply and marketing cooperatives have not been properly solved, it is not only contrary to the original intention of the party and the country to set up supply and marketing cooperatives, but also live up to the expectations of the peasant masses and the realistic needs of rural economic development. Therefore,it is of great significance to optimize the functions of supply and marketing cooperatives in Hubei province, which can provide important guarantee for the existence and development of supply and marketing cooperatives, and can also serve the rural economy of Hubei province and make the supply and marketing cooperatives truly become the"main force" and "comprehensive platform" of agricultural service.Through the collection of domestic and foreign literature, the author finds that there are not many literature on the functions of supply and marketing cooperatives, especially the use of a theory as an analyzing tool, and few papers on the functions of supply and marketing cooperatives. The innovation of this paper is mainly based on the perspective of principal-agent theory, and discusses the problems in the functions of supply and marketing cooperatives in Hubei province in order to make suggestions for the optimization of supply and marketing cooperatives in Hubei province.The author first analyzes the current situation of the functions of the supply and marketing cooperatives in Hubei province from the perspective of the different constituent bodies such as the supply and marketing cooperatives, the grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives, the supply and marketing cooperatives-owned enterprises,and the functions of the respective supply and marketing cooperatives in Hubei province Mainly, the service function for agricultural is not enough, the business function is not strong, there are loopholes in regulatory functions, industry guidance functions and so on.Secondly, based on the principal-agent relationship of supply and marketing cooperatives, the causes of the problems are found from the aspects of the nature of property rights and subject, the principle of cooperation, the mechanism of incentive and restraint, and the institutional and institutional barriers. The differences between ownership and agent positioning are discussed. " non-cooperation "issue, the democratic election and management principles are not implemented,individual members of the initial principal role of the lack of the problem,"insider control" complex effects,the principal and the agent's goal of inconsistency, and modern management System,enterprise corporate governance system, personnel system construction problems are enough imperfect.On this basis, the relevant suggestions for functional optimization are proposed.First, adhere to the basic principles of supply and marketing cooperatives. Accurately grasp the functional positioning, consolidate the functions of the legislative protection,adhere to the cooperative management of democratic principles. the second is to optimize the functioning of the mechanism. Standardize the two-line operation mechanism,establish an independent accounting classification assessment mechanism, improve the cadres and workers two-line management mechanism. third is to strengthen their own functions. Play the whole system resources together to strengthen the grassroots organization, cultivate and grow the community leading enterprises. fourth is to enhance their own functional level. Strengthen the "talent thrive cooperatives" construction,innovation business services, and promote the construction of agricultural industry chain.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supply and marketing cooperatives in Hubei province, Functional optimization, Principal-agent
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