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A Study On Network Strategy Of Zhengzhou Family Trip

Posted on:2018-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515456348Subject:Tourism management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2010,China conducted the sixth national census shows,according to the analysis results of the census statistics,China's 31 provinces(autonomous regions)and municipalities directly under the central government has a total of 401 thousand households,the average household population of 3 people,0-18 years the proportion of the population is about 25.8%,the number of 0-14 year old population reached 370 million people.Therefore,China's huge population base of young people,for the development of family trip products to provide a huge market space,the development of family trip market has become the consensus of the tourism industry.With the continuous development of the industry,the tourism industry from the rough type market development in the past gradually evolved into a market segment of consumers continue to dig deep intensive and meticulous farming,tourism demand,the emergence of a number of market segments of the tourism products such as the entrance travel,honeymoon,sunset tours,family tours.At present,the parent and child travel as a subdivision of the tourism market products,there is a huge market potential worth digging.At present,the research on the "family fun" experts and scholars at home and abroad,mainly focus on tour family harmony in the parent-child role and beneficial influence on Teenagers' physical and mental growth,the research direction from humanistic care and family inheritance perspective of how to develop "family fun"from the angle of the market marketing theory research the literature does not see more,subdivided into how to use Internet technology to research "family fun"consumers accurate implementation of network marketing is more rare,but in fact,with the traditional tourism marketing channel gradually replaced by a network of sales channels,"homogenization and family fun products more serious,the market competition is more and more rely on price war etc.these problems,you need to stand in the angle of marketing,in the network information era,for family Travel A comprehensive and in-depth study of market development,is not only to enrich and supplement the "family fun" related research,provide a theoretical reference to carry out family travel products for the relevant enterprise network marketing.In practice,the study tour and Countermeasures of network marketing products in Zhengzhou will have a continuous development for Zhengzhou parent-child family travel market;help to explore Zhengzhou family travel market success in network marketing mode;provide a reference for other provinces and cities the development of family travel products;promote the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry in Zhengzhou.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhengzhou, Family trip, Network marketing of family trip
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