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Research On The The Developmental Research Of Direct Bank In China

Posted on:2018-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P F ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the completion of the marketization of interest rates,the transformation of economy and the rapid development of Internet finance,traditional Chinese commercial banks have exposed a series of problems.The non-performing rate of assets has been rising,and the spreads have been reduced and the spreads have been drastically reduced,The scale of assets and liabilities to slow down the emergence of a series of problems so that commercial banks had to change through the transformation and upgrading to find new business growth.At the same time,in order to cope with the growing impact of the Internet banking companies on the traditional banks,along with the mobile banking,Internet banking,and the rapid development of Chinese Internet users,the emergence of direct marketing banks to create sufficient conditions.In addition,advanced and mature foreign direct sales banks for domestic commercial banks to carry out direct marketing business has brought inspiration,direct marketing is a pure network of new Internet financial model,the near future will become a bold innovation in China's banks a major opportunity.The article through the domestic mobile banking,online banking development analysis shows that the development of direct marketing banking business environment has matured.Combined with the direct sales of the bank business itself,that the current stage is the commercial banks to develop direct marketing business a good opportunity.Through the analysis of foreign direct marketing business model for the development of direct marketing banking in China to provide the experience.This paper begins with the actual case of Min sheng Bank's development of direct selling bank business.Firstly,it explains the reasons for choosing the direct selling bank of the people's livelihood,and then reveals the product service and customer orientation of the direct selling bank business and the cost advantage of the business direct sales bank business development advantages of specific elaboration,highlighting the "direct marketing bank strong growth capacity and advantages.Conduct a comparative analysis of the risks of doing this business.Finally,the article pointed out that China's direct selling bank problems,and for these issues given their own recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet Finance, Traditional Commercial Bank, Direct Bank
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