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Theoretical And Practical Research On Enterprise Poverty Alleviation Under The Pattern Of Poverty Alleviation

Posted on:2016-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330479480895Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Poverty problem is a key factor to hinder social and economic progress. Since the Reform and Opening, Chinese government has make a lot effort on poverty alleviation, giving priority to poverty alleviation in rural area. Up to this day, the amount of Chinese poor people has greatly reduced. Meanwhile, the poverty problem shows new time features, and traditional poverty alleviation mode cannot meet the actual need. The government has to innovate the way of poverty alleviation.Enterprise is the most active part in economic activities, comparing with government and NGO, it owns the unique advantage in marketing. The poverty alleviation of enterprises is helpful for poor people to get better connected with market and achieved the goal of sustainable development capacity construction. Therefore, it is significant both in theory and practice of study how to guide enterprise involved poverty alleviation.In this article, the behavior of poverty alleviation of enterprises in Sichuan Province is chosen as research object. Through current situation research and modern analysis, the author try to find out development path of poverty alleviation of enterprises and propose relative policy suggestions. The paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is introduction, mainly about the background and purpose of research, research overview and summarize about poverty, poverty alleviation and enterprises' activities is also included in this part. Chapter two and three is the theoretical analysis of poverty alleviation of enterprise, including concept definition, supply and demand analysis and comparative analysis. Chapter four discusses present situation and problems existed of behavior of poverty alleviation of enterprises in Sichuan Province. Chapter five assesses poverty alleviation of enterprises in Sichuan Province by questionnaire survey. Chapter six is mainly about the comparative analysis of four types' poverty alleviation modes. In Chapter seven, relative policy suggestion is proposed aiming to benefit poverty alleviation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theoretical
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