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Harvard University's "non-up And Down" System Research

Posted on:2018-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330518970082Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Up-or-out" system originated from Harvard University.The original purpose is the principal Conant for enhancing teachers' teaching and scientific research level,screening of qualified teachers and the establishment of a teacher assessment and promotion system.With the development of time,the system has not only become a basic system of the Harvard teacher management system,but also become a basic system of American Universities.It has also had a profound impact on the rest of the world.At present,many universities in China have implemented the “up-or-out” system,many scholars have expressed their views on it.Generally speaking,the implementation of this system is not satisfactory.Therefore,it is urgent to further strengthen the theoretical study of “up-or-out”system.This paper mainly uses case study,literature and comparative study to study the "up-or-out" system of Harvard University.The origin and development of "up-or-out" system mainly goes through the period of "no rise or no go","up-or-out" embryonic form,the establishment period of "up-or-out" and the development period of "up-or-out".There are two distinct marks in these four periods.Firstly,Harvard has proposed a new level of restrictions on new entrants in1860,this is the prototype period.Secondly,in 1938,under the request of Conant principal,the eight Committee was required to make a document on the assessment of teachers as a sign of the formal establishment of the system.Harvard University's "up-or-out" system has different evaluation contents,standards and procedures for assessment for lecturers,assistant professors and associate professors.Through analysis,it is found that emphasizing academic orientation,paying attention to efficiency and fairness,and monitoring and motivating are the most important characteristics of the system.In addition The “up-or-out” system has enormous influence.Not only Harvard University has become the world's top universities,but also become the most common system of university teachers management system in the United States,and attract universities all over the world have implemented the system.The high academic autonomy,the atmosphere of academic freedom,the strict examination and promotion mechanism and the perfect guarantee mechanism are the fundamental guarantee for the successful implementation of the "up-or-out" system in Harvard University.However,there are some abuses in the process of the "up-or-out" system.Therefore,the author gives hisown thinking from three aspects,namely,the spirit core of the "up-or-out" system,the examination standards and the dual influence on Teachers.The successful implementation of the "up-or-out" system of Harvard University has a certain reference significance for the implementation of "up-or-out" system in Chinese universities.Firstly,establish a good academic environment,including creating an atmosphere of academic freedom,and ensuring the authority of academic power.Secondly,from the assessment period,standards,procedures and detailed assessment mechanism to strict assessment procedures.Thirdly,establish a security mechanism to provide support for the development of teachers,including the implementation of the construction of teacher development mechanism and the teacher incentive mechanism.Through in-depth study of "Non rising or go" system.This paper tries to show the process of the emergence and development of the system and the process of implementation.Through these studies to re-examine the "up-or-out" system.Combining the results of the study to enrich China's academic circles on the "up-or-out" system.It also provides some ideas for the reform of the management system of teachers in Chinese universities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harvard University, Teacher management system, “Up-or-out" system, Influence
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