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University First-year Students Study Adaptive Research

Posted on:2017-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330491952315Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous enrollment expansion of colleges and universities, college students learning adaptability problem has always been closely watched. Especially the students who bom in 90s especially in 00s, they are outstanding individuality. This generation of college students and puts forward more requirements on all aspects of the university, accordingly, the university also face the new problems and challenges, how to bring up the generation of college students. In recent years, many university has made some beneficial attempt, such as "freshman seminar" entrance education mode. This study intended to explore the status of college freshmen to learn to adapt to the study, and hope that after knowing the facts ? can give some Suggestions. In this study, the author consulted "college students learning adjustment scale" of professor Feng Tingyong, and a slight changes have been made on the basis of research needs. Six universities in Nanjing of more than five hundred new students has carried on the questionnaire survey, and then selected 12 students to make some structured interviews. The conclusions are as follows:1.After entering the university,most of the freshmen to can adapt the study in university very well, but there are some students in the state of maladjustment. About the teaching mode, learning motivation, learning ability, learning environment and school management five dimensions of adaptation,the adaption of overall is best, followed by learning motivation dimension, followed by two dimension, teaching mode and learning environment to adapt to the lowest score on the school management dimension.2.There is different behavior in Freshman between girls and boys when learning to adapt to the situation. There were significant differences in learning and school management, boys did better than girls.3.The different levels of university undergraduate course school freshmen have different adaption to learning. Ordinary undergraduate course colleges and universities freshman scored higher than "211" and above undergraduate course colleges and universities.4. Different subject freshman have differences in the adaptability of college.but the difference is not obvious. 5.The students who get accommodation in school get higher scores in the adaption.6.The students come from different places have different adaption ability to new environment.Especially about the total score, score from high to low in turn to the township, rural and urban students.7. The difference exist in only child and not only child.The on-ly child get a higher scores in adaption.8.College students learning adaptability is influenced by the family economy.9.University management in different ways. Here to " freshman seminar" as the breakthrough point, the study found that, by adopting the new cultivation mode of freshman seminar university freshman can faster to adapt to the university to study, but the difference is not obvious.The conclusion is based on the investigation, combined with college freshmen in learning adaption problems. Here I suggest than after university freshmen should clear learning objectives,learning habits and learning methods combining with the characteristics of professional adjustment. Also, the university should carry out the new form targeted entrance education, improve the integrity of the entrance education, pertinence and scientific. Coordinate the efforts of specialized course teachers and counselors to help freshmen to adapt to college study.
Keywords/Search Tags:freshmen, learning adaption, entrance education
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