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Legal Regulation Of Non-marital Cohabitation

Posted on:2019-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z JinFull Text:PDF
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After the reform and opening up to the outside,our society has developed rapidly.The basic material demands are satisfied accompanying with spiritual demands increasing gradually,the pursuit of freedom is being magnified.It is a universal concept that the tolerance of the body and even spiritual freedom.The heterosexuals pursuit a new way to construct a family and the homosexuals to marriage equality,respectively,after the basic rights such as personal freedom,freedom of speech and privacy protection are effectively guaranteed.Marriage is not the only way to establish a family and no-marital cohabitation is one of them which deserves to be accepted and protected by law.It is extremely inappropriate that the law of our country still maintains the ambiguous attitude to non-marital cohabitation with un-limitation and non-protection.It cannot solve the complication properly and meet the needs of social reality which means that social equality cannot be achieved,and the social stability cannot be maintained as well.There exist disputes of possession and personal matters in non-marital cohabitation relationship which is even more complicated than those in a marriage that further needs to be regulated effectively by law.It is extremely unfair to divide the average in common in the current judicial operation.It should be clear that it is closer to the status of the marriage in the law.We should improve the relevant legislation and establish compensation mechanism to protect the weakling person so that all kinds of non-marital cohabitation are effectively regulated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-marriage legal regulation, Legal status, Completeness, Relief system
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