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On The Legal Protection Of Consumer Rights In Online Group Purchases

Posted on:2018-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T TianFull Text:PDF
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With the development of the Internet,network group buying is a new way of consumption.In recent years,the rapid development of the network,the rapid,convenient and favorable features for consumers to bring tangible benefits.But at the same time,because the laws and regulations are not perfect,the lack of supervision and management of the market,the seller is not honest,etc.,the legitimate interests of consumers have been violated.In view of this,this article from the perspective of consumer protection,analyzes many current performance against the interests of consumers,combined with our existing legislative,administrative and judicial system,and puts forward some suggestions of improvement and perfection.This thesis has four main parts: the first part first explains the concept of network group purchase,then enumerates three kinds of network group purchase mode existing,and analyzes the network group purchase compared to some of the new features of the traditional shopping embodied;secondly,combined with the current mainstream point of view,focuses on analyzing the relationship between sellers and consumers group purchase platform,the.In the second part,the author discusses the problems of the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.This part is based on the current situation of the development of network group buying,from the right of privacy,the right to know,the right to security,the right to fair trade,the right to claim and other five aspects of the current consumer rights and interests in the protection of outstanding issues.The third part describes the current situation of China's legislative protection,administrative protection,judicial protection status quo,analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the three dimensions.The fourth part is the countermeasures,combined with the analysis of the previous three parts,starting from China's national conditions,put forward a number of targeted solutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:online group buying, consumer, protection of rights and interests, legal protection
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