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Lenin's Research On The Prevention Of Public Power Alienation

Posted on:2018-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330518492743Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
How to correctly use the public power and how to effectively prevent the alienation of public power is not only a main point of the research of the classical writers of Marxism, but a great realistic problem and serious challenges after The Proletarian Party grasping the state power.On the basis of Marx and Engels's ideas on alienation of public power,in the exchange of ideas with Hanoverian and Rosa Luxembourg,in the course of leading the communist party in charge of the national power,in dealing with the reality of the transformation of the Russian communist party,Lenin not only understood deeply the difference of the problem of public power alienation between the old exploiting class regime and the regime of the socialist state,exposed and criticized the public power alienation of the capitalist state in the Capitalist countries,feudal states and slavery countries,clearly pointed out the possibility and danger of the alienation of public power within socialist countries,pointed out the necessity of the socialist state to prevent the alienation of public power.but explored and tried to prevent the alienation of public power from the proletarian party,Creatively put forward a number of valuable ideas.First of all,he advocated to build an angles of public power restriction mechanism;second,he advocated to build a comprehensive network of public power supervision ;in the third,he advocated to vigorously develop education to improve the level of the people's right awareness and participation and the level of civil servants public servant consciousness and ruling levels.These thought not only greatly enriched and developed the Marxism theory of public power alienation From the three aspects of open government, supervision system and public power operation structure, but has important historical significance for regulating public power operation order, alleviating bureaucracy phenomenon, curbing the corruption of privilege and the phenomenon of power abuse.In addition to,because of the limitation of historical condition and the lack of theoretical knowledge, this thought also has three limitations.First, there is an imaginary element in the awareness of the widespread participation of grassroots workers in the national management;In the second place,democracy is more limited to personal style,which has a tendency to be different from different people ;Third, the understanding of how to break the unity of the party and politics remains to be further deepened and expanded.At present, further study of Lenin's exploration on how to prevent the alienation of public power has important realistic inspiration to solve the phenomenon of public power abusiveness in China today and to build a harmonious ecology power operation for The Proletarian Party.First,we should continue to strengthen checks and oversight on public power.Second,we should continue to expand the transparency of government affairs;The third,we should continue to promote the establishment of the party's purity and purity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lenin, public power, alienation of public power, constraint, supervision
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