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The Reproduction Of The Aura

Posted on:2019-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B LvFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,art is gradually influenced by multiple cultures,the pluralism of artexpression has always been breaking through various previous shackles to adapt to thecurrent context of expression.The application of ritual expression has been implicatedin contemporary art and is widely used.It can be seen from the major galleries and artmuseums that the emerging media of art,such as behavior art,performing art,photography and new media,are widely involved.And it's more obvious incontemporary sculpture,therefore,from the perspective of sculpture language,thetypical works of ritual expression in contemporary sculpture field through the guidanceof modern philosophy and art theory are analyzed in the paper to discuss the importanceand validity of ritual expression in modern sculpture.From what analyzed above,the following conclusions are tried to be drawn in thepaper the application and use of ritual expression in moder sculpture is completedthrough means like "symbol","here and now","spirituality","property" and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:"symbol", "here and now", "spirituality", "property"
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