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"Dian Ya" Stacked Word Research

Posted on:2018-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330542479727Subject:Chinese Philology
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DieYa(????),written by ShiMenglan of Qing Dynasty in exegetical aspect,is a book which only collects reduplicated words among the series of YaXue.Reduplicated words are mentioned in ErYa(????),although they have been collected in XiaoErya(?????),GuangYa(????).“it has not seen specialized book until the emergence of DieYa.What a pity!"(the preface of DieYa)So ShiMenglan widely collects reduplicated words from classics,a subset of history and all home commentaries,completing a book of thirteen volumes——DieYa,which is a masterpiece of reduplication study.The classic in Continuation of the heads of Sikuquanshu(??????)assessed:"WuLinglang tried to collect and publish rYa,XiaoErya,YiYa(????),GuangYa,PiYa(????)into a book called 'five Ya',but all kinds of portraits are short of reduplicated words.Scholars take it as treasure,just like the stone which Nvwa used to patch the sky."DieYa reserved a large of reduplicated material.Predecessors' study about DieYa focused on dictionaries codification features and its exegesis role.This paper is not only combine quantitative statistics with qualitative analysis,and make a systemic classification for reduplication of DieYa,in order to show ShiMenglan's views on reduplicated words,but also combing the terms of "Reduplicated word".At last,this paper points out reduplicated words have an effect on the study of Chinese reduplication.This paper is divided into three parts:Chapter ? introduces the basic situation of DieYa,the research status of DieYa,and explains the research methods and difficulties encountered in this paper.Chapter ? studies reduplicated words of DieYa.This chapter defines and examines the three structure types of reduplicated words,and analyzes reduplicated words of DieYa from the aspects of semantic features and pragmatic values.Chapter ? elaborates ShiMenglan's concept on reduplicated words and its theoretical value on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of study in the second chapter.This chapter also analyzes characteristics of reduplicated words and enlightenments to the study of modern Chinese reduplication phenomenon.According to the analysis,we can see that there are some errors caused by material and sentence reading.There are 3176 reduplicated words,which are expressed in three types:reduplicated pure words(1628),reduplicated compound words(1498)and reduplication of words(50).ShiMenglan's recognition of reduplicated words is mainly expressed in the following points:(1)The external form is "single word + single word",there are two forms of reduplicative:AA-type and AABB-type.AABB type includes AB-based reduplication and non-base AA and BB knot.The relationship between AA and BB is mostly close together in DieYa.(2)The interpretation of the more flexible,a word has a meaning is the same as a column;(3)Part of speech covers adjectives,nouns,verbs,adverbs,quantifiers,interjection and onomatopoeia.The number of adjectives which used to describe something is up to about 62%of the book,and confirms the "only describe the wonderful,each with the rhetoric(preface)";the noun is mainly kinship terms,proper nouns and common nouns;(4)ShiMenglan noticed the reduplication in grammar,for example,part of reduplicated words use the same word explain the reduplicated word,although it's not shown clearly,but has shown a fuzzy grammar awareness.From the perspective of reduplicative forms,reduplicated words include pure words,compound words and the reduplication of words in modern Chinese.The influence of modern Chinese reduplication mainly focuses on:reduplicative forms,reduplicative results,in the form of speech and grammatical aspects.By studying the complex reduplicated words and large amounts of materials research of DieYa,we can understand the position of "reduplicated words" in the process of term evolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:ShiMenglan, ?DieYa?, reduplicated words, reduplication, structure types, glossary of terms
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