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Tang Junyi's Interpretation And Communication Of "Zhu Lu's Debate"

Posted on:2018-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330542478374Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"the history of Chinese philosophy in a large case,scholars of the "the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan" has been discussed for more than 800 years.In this discussion,it can be divided into two aspects:communication and difference.Tang Junyi is a famous philosopher of the 20th century in China.He has also discussed the question of "the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan",which was later described as "the history of Chinese philosophy On the original nature of the book," Tang Junyi use the method of "the history of philosophy to philosophy," to interpret the "the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan",and he thinks that Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan can communicate in the field of cultivating in the wisest way to pursuit the ancient sages.I believe that "the learning method" is the most important of "the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan",later scholars on the "the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan" discussion,mainly discuss this question.First of all,I classify the scholars'writings about "the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan" of Yuan,Ming,Qing and the Republic of China dynasties.It can be divided into two aspects:"the difference"and "the communication".Tang Junyi did not agree with Huang Zongxi distinguish the"respect for knowledge" and "respect for virtue" and Wang Shou-Jen distinguish the heart and Li are two,or the heart and Li are one.Tang Junyi refute these views,and interprete his own opionion about this arguement.He believes that the biggest diffrence between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan is the cultivating in the wisest way to pursuit the ancient sages.At the same time,Tang Junyi thinks that they have the same idea which they all pursuit the ideal personality of Confucianism.Tang Junyi hold the opinion that Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan's idea can communicate.I write this essay from three aspects:the necessity of the communication,the possibility of the communication,and the specific of the communication will be discussed.On the necessity of communication,the nature of "the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan" is the argument within Neo-Confucianism,which is different from "the debate between Confucianism and Mohist school."or "the debate between Confucianism and Buddism".Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan all pursuit the ideal personality of Confucianism,by the way,the thinks of them origin from the Ch'eng Hao,but the inheritance of different aspects.In the specific communication,Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan can communicate in the field of cultivating in the wisest way to pursuit the ancient sages.Tang Junyi uses "the philosophy of philosophy to the philosophy of the word"interpretation of the "the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan",you can summarize the characteristics of Down's research:inherite the theory of the transmission of the Truth from Yao and Shun,beyond the reflection,through the association.Compared with the scholars of Yuan and Ming dynasties,Tang's research has the connotation of the times,that is,the reference to Hegel's dialectics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Junyi, the debate between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan, communication
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