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The Study Of The Value Of Historical Materials In The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2019-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330542464177Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper uses the methods of literature research,focusing on more comprehensive analysis proposed judgments of the Tang Dynasty in the Wen Yuan Ying Hua,the paper is divided into five chapters.Judgment has experienced the germination of the pre-Qin period,formed in the Western Han Dynasty,stagnation during the Wei,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties,was short-lived in the Sui Dynasty and entered the golden age in the Tang Dynasty.It is inseparable from the improvement of the imperial examination system in the Tang Dynasty,the profound cultural foundation and the completeness of the legal system.There are a large number of judgments about etiquette.The problem of successors,produced different views and tendencies from traditional ethics.It was related to the political environment at that time.For the political demand,the government will advocate some extremism and hypocrisy.These are reflected in the funeral judgments.Tang people will make flexible judgments on some phenomena that are contrary to etiquette.The ceremonial judgments reflect the Tang people's understanding and attitude towards rituals.It is unbalanced about local distribution.Recommended in the Tang Dynasty is also an important method of selecting talents.Businessmen can be officials.These aspects are all reflected in the talents of elections in the Tang Dynasty.The criminal judgments of officials reflect the official responsibilities are not clear,dereliction of duty,corruption and bribery are very serious.The Tang Dynasty government has strict controls on astronomical laws and dissemination of rumors.Tang Dynasty has a strict hierarchy.For slaves and prisoners,there are different ways to deal with it before and after.These are all reflected in the proposed judgments.In the late Tang Dynasty,war led to financial tensions in the country.The state adjusted its tax policy and expanded taxation targets.The government manages merchants with a strict city system.And they bear a heavy tax.But the status of businessmen has been improved in the late Tang Dynasty.These are all reflected in the proposed judgments of economical.The proposed judgments of Tang Dynasty focus on content and practicality in content,emphasize rites and ethics.Flexible transition in law and ethics is a prominent feature.The proposed judgments of Tang Dynasty have a high historical value.It can reflect the etiquette,political,economy of the Tang Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Tang Dynasty, The proposed judgments, Value, Wen Yuan Ying Hua
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