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Who Is The Most Lovely Person

Posted on:2019-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
President Xi Jinping said in the 19 th CPC National Congress that the troops need to cultivate the army with souls,skills,brave and moral character in the new era to guarantee the original mission of the troops.Xis' discourse aimed to realize the Chinese dream and Army dream,which is the inevitable requirement of building a strong military,clearly defined the image of a solider,showed that the Party keep the pace with the times.The party and the people had ardent expectations of the troops.It provides a fundamental adherence to the training of military personnel.Ir's also the solemn oath of the Chinese military.My creation is the best reaction to Xis' discourse,use art paintings show the stature of China's new era revolutionary soldier."The Chinese people's liberation army(PLA)is not only carrying red tasselled spear scout".The past soldiers made his own pride and enthusiasm,supporting the national independence and liberation.The solders in the new period must realize the Army dream with their loyalty and dedication.With souls,skills,brave and moral character that is the qualities that the soldier must have.I will draw a series oil paintings called "who is the most lovely man",a total of 6.Theme: loyalty,devotion,introspection,exercise,leisure,to leave.The painting is not only my graduation creation,is also my memories of army life two years past,I want to show you the different life as you imagined.The military is not only a serious,strong,cold unsmiling,they also have sunshine,tenderness,hemorrhagic side.They are the most lovely person in blue sky.
Keywords/Search Tags:New period, Military, Military oil painting, realistic
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