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On The Contemporary Expression Of Kiefer's Mythological Works

Posted on:2018-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YangFull Text:PDF
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Mythological creation is an ancient proposition once flourishing,but from the beginning of the 19 th century gradually fade out of the stage of history.Kiefer has chosen this theme to build a new artistic and spiritual world.In the special historical period after the war with his unique creative motives and expressions for this theme to give a new life.These highly contemporary and personal characteristics of the expression of the way to show us a unique way to start the myth of the theme.Some of the ways he used were to break the principles of the aesthetic principles that were co-developed by the predecessors.Kiefer stripped the original mythological theme works gorgeous coat with his way to show the myth of the most true and cruel the most sad of the kernel.For us showing a shock and great visual impact of the contemporary myth.By analyzing the narrative style,the picture composition,the color texture,the comprehensive material and so on,to analyze the contemporary expression of his mythological works.Kiefer refined the elements of the fairy tale and the use of abstract obscure way of expression,with obscure means to reconstruct all the information in the fairy tale and express it in a contemporary way.He created the mythical theme works when the use of block surface and a huge positive and negative contrast to give the picture unparalleled impact.Use this expression to reproduce the myth of the heart and he wants to create the art of the myth of the world.The contemporary expression of texture and color in the painting provides a sense of heavy feeling and sorrowfulness to the screen,as well as guidance for interpretation.Color and texture for the fullness of the heart of the sad and vast mythical world.The use of integrated materials to highlight the focus of the screen but also with the material to maintain the integrity of the screen to play an important role.These parts,like skin and hair,form the last element of the heart of the heart of the heart.These expressions give me some thought and inspiration.Keefer's mythological themes are very large in terms of the span of the carrier from painting on the shelf to sculpture and installation art.This article only explores the contemporary expression of his paintings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kiefer, mythical, Sorrowful contemporary, expression
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