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Zhang Yu's Novels On Language Features

Posted on:2018-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330518468085Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Chinese contemporary literary arena,Zhang Wei,as a famous writer,established his status by relying on generous narrating of history in his first publishing full length novel--The Ancient Ship.Almost every full length novel caused sensation in literary arena and the critics.The theme,story and figures in his more than twenty full length novels had deeply impressed readers,which mainly depended on the language in the productions.In Zhang Wei's perspective,the language was not only the method,but also the purpose.When he gave a lesson in Hong Kong Baptist University,he said that language was emphasized since it was the essence and core of literature and art,not the decorating addition.There was no other artistic form than literature writing which depended on the language.In an elegant way,all of the literary mystery was in the language,which hided the endless magic.As a great master of language,Zhang Wei stated that choosing and using the language was related to the success of a production.The present paper studied the novel of Zhang Wei from the point of linguistic characteristics to analyze the novel deeply.The paper included three sections--the introduction,the main text and conclusion.The introduction firstly explained the significance of studying the novel of Zhang Wei,and then introduced the present statement of the novel in the critics,The main text included three chapters.Chapter 1--the rustic nature of the Jiao Dong dialect.This chapter studied Zhang Wei's special linguistic features by the Jiao Dong dialect used in the production.In Zhang Wei's view,dialect was the real language which was vivid and reflected real life.The first part analyzed the dialect systematically by appreciating Zhang Wei's various long and short novels.It is based on certain theory to create by dialect,instead of the author's preferences.Aesthetic study of the unfamiliar features of Jiao Dong dialect can analyze the theoretical sense of dialect and proverbs in novels.The second part deals with the use of Jiao Dong dialect and highlights the language features of the novel.Dialect in Zhang Wei's novels not only highlights the Jiao Dong Peninsula's regional culture,but also reflects the linguistic feature.The dialect,grown from theland,is part of the regional culture and the carrier of regional culture.We appreciate the culture on the land when reading this part.The third part is about the cause of the simplicity of Jiao Dong dialect.For the author,the linguistic feature is related to his childhood experience and cultural memory.Zhang Wei,standing in the mother tongue position,tried to put more cultural memory and childhood experiences in the text since dialect is the only choice.Chapter 2--the vast expanse of the diachronic and magic of the language characteristics.This chapter studied the characteristic of the classical Chinese vocabulary,the ancient vocabulary,songs and a large number of words with witchcraft and magic color.The first section introduces history with ancient language and praises the present life with ancient songs.Zhang Wei thinks that classical Chinese is the foundation of our national language which can treat the modern people's mental illness.Zhang Wei was good at finding language materials from the classical literature to increase the expression of the Chinese.Choosing unique ancient vocabulary from the traditional Jiao Dong culture,the novel was colored with traditional culture.The second section analyzes the magic words and sentences systematically.Folk culture is the source of Zhang Wei's writing material.Certain words add lots of magic to the novels,such as carp essence,fox,drought,hedgehog fine.The third part analyzes the cause of ancient sentences and songs from the point of the deviation of language.The author applies a different way of writing to form his unique style by various linguistic patterns.The author explores the cause of magic language from the language of folk custom writing.The author accumulates various language materials from folk culture in Jiao Dong Peninsula.These language materials,as a part of the author's cultural memory,are applied into writing naturally.Chapter 3--the language features of ocean tastes.Ocean is Zhang Wei's spiritual home and emotional support.Various vocabulary and sentences related to the ocean make the works smell like the sea.The first part classifies the words and sentences related to the ocean to cover and explore all the language which smell like the sea deeply.The second part deals with romantic color from the aesthetic point.Faced withthe ocean,Zhang Wei always keeps passion and worship.He believes that people living on the beach are lucky.The nature of the sea affects every person.Endless,virtual and misty atmosphere stands for a kind of romantic atmosphere which affects Zhang Wei deeply.The third part analyzes the cause of the romantic color of the language.Influenced by the peninsula marine culture,the author's spirit also contains a romantic atmosphere.Zhang Wei loves the Jiao Dong Peninsula and the surging sea.His language carries the favor of sea.Zhang Wei grew up at the beach.The childhood experience of the sea influences his writing.Zhang Wei often talks about the childhood memory of the sea,and the feeling can not be experienced by adults.The unique childhood experience is a reason of his works which smell like the sea.The conclusion briefly concluded the three unique characteristics in the novel,studied the language in aesthetic view to manifest the charm of the language and form a more profound and thorough understanding of its unique meaning.The three unique characteristics,existing in almost every production of Zhang Wei,are considered as his unique writing feature.This is a very important language phenomenon which is also emphasized by Zhang Wei.Zhang Wei believes that language is the nature and the purpose of writing.Therefore,the works can be understood deeply only by deep and detailed analysis and inquiry.Hence,it is self-evident to analyze Zhang Wei's works from the linguistic level.
Keywords/Search Tags:novel of Zhang Wei, Jiao Dong dialect, defamiliarization, Inertial writing, romanticism
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