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On Fan Xiaoqing's Female Writing

Posted on:2018-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L MiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330518463263Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fan Xiaoqing is a woman writer with high productivity and influence in the contemporary literary ciecles,her literary creation in more than thirty years has never left the word “female”.From the first short story Late in 1980 s,although there are changes in the style of writing,but Fan Xiaoqing's “Suzhou taste” in the halo of the female feelings have never disappeared,she has created many masterpieces of female writing such as Ruiyun,Kaleidoscope,Lesbian,especially the publication of novel GuiXiang Street in 2016,focus attention to the female cadres at the grass roots level again.Fan Xiaoqing is good at women's unique emotional perspective to look at the image of women in the work,examines and focuses on the plight of women's survival,and tres to explore the meaning of their existence and growth,to show her humanistic care of women's reality.This thesis consists of three parts: introduction,body and conclusion.The introduction consists of two parts,the first part is the definition of “female writing” in this paper;the second and third part is about the combs and explains of the research and significance of this topic selection.The text is composed of three chapters.The first chapter is about the types of female images in Fan Xiaoqing's novels.This chaper makes a detailed classification of the female images in her novels,from “the image of women in the family status”,“the glowing female strongman image”,“desiring to live out the image of the girl”these three levels to sort out,among,each type of female image is divided into different categories according to the characters of the characters and the types of occupation,in order to make a systematic and comprehensive reflection on the female images in Fan Xiaoqing's novels.The second chaper is the theme of FanXiaoqing's female writing.This chaper from the growth,redemption,pursuit of the theme three aspects in Fan Xiaoqing's female writing,respectively as “exist :struggle and breakthrough of female individual”,“the creation and redemption of soul variation” and “on the road: endless pursuit” these three parts,respectively expounded Fan Xiaoqing's performance and deep reasons of the various themes offemale writing.The third chaper is Fan Xiaoqing's female writing.This chaper from the perspective of narrative sort out the narrative strategies of Fan Xiaoping's female writing,namely “alternative extension of the narrative of daily life”,“repeated narrative rhetoric” and “unique narrative point of view and language art” these three parts,combined with the specific text of the novel,analysis of the performance and uniqueness of Fan Xiaoqing's female writing strategies.The conclusion part is the evaluation of Fan Xiaoqing's female writing.The part is based on the first three chapters,from the dimension of literary history,to sum up Fan Xiaoqing's female writing,to comb the limitations of female writing and new possibilities for future creation,and her value in the history of contemporary literature,and so on,and discusses the profound significance of Fan Xiaoqing's female writing to women's writing in the contemporary literary circles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fan Xiaoqing, create, female writing
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