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The Development Of Fan Xiaoqing's Novel Writing

Posted on:2011-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332461610Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since early 1980's ,Fan Xiaoqing has gone through thirty years of her writing career, in the past three decades, she has published several hundred novels, the number of text words is more than 10 million. Currently, the studies of Fan and her novel texts have made significant achievements, the number of which is more, however, the study of the development has little, having no complete line of text expression. This paper will pick this topic to try, and on the basis of the existing research, try to arrange clearly the novel's writing process of Fan .This paper, Fan's novel text as a starting point, strive to open research thought and research perspective, observe and compare fully the changing process of novel's writing of Fan. By Fan's novels changes in the clue, the paper is peppered with the evaluation of her novels, to make the structure and the thought clear, and summarize more clearly Fan's novel changing process and features.Through reading novels, Fan's novel writing has mainly gone through three stages, that showing different characteristics and changes. The 80s to the early 90s is her early writing time, when Fan mainly continued the writing of"the novels about Su Zhou",that was Lu Wenfu started ,writing the history and culture of Su Zhou , transformed and developed to show the unique characteristics of individual of "Fan's" novels that is different from the previous works ; from the late nineties to the new century is the period of transition of Fan's writing, Fan turning to reality, while the text still retaining some features of"the novels about Su Zhou", so Fan's works emerging double features of history and reality; the twenty-first century, Fan's novels took place a tremendous change, beyond the concrete "Su Zhou", attention to human nature, concerned about the weak.Throughout Fan's three decades of writing, her novel writing has undergone significant changes, gradually"far away"from home of"the novels about Su Zhou", the sedimentation of history, facing reality ,and attention to human nature. Fan has always remained true to her writing stand, the pursuit of individual unique artistic goals, so the form and the content of her works are more fit, her novels are gradually mature .
Keywords/Search Tags:Fan Xiaoqing, Novel Writing, "The Novels About Su Zhou", History and Reality, The Development
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