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Laozi's Ethical Thought Research

Posted on:2018-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330515461292Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The book of Laozi is just five-thousand words,but the content is rich and profound.In this paper,I choose the angle of ethics to sort out and classify Laozi's thought,and through the thinking and Research on the relationship between man and nature,man and society,man and himself,we can get the modern enlightenment to deal with the issues of ethics in the current society.This content can be divided into three main parts,namely,natural way,way of administering a country and way of cultivating one's moral character.This paper,I try to break the ethical classification of the West and classify it with the traditional Chinese culture.From the Grand to the subtle,the paper gradually emerged the overall framework of Laozi's ethic thought,breaking the fragmented state of the original ethics Combs,with more in line with the characteristic of Laozi's ethic harmony one.Around the three parts,we discusses the thought of Laozi as an organic whole,and the integration of the ethics of the three main parts is a unique feature of Laozi's ethical thoughts.Ethical issues related to everyone,from ancient times around the ethics of thinking and discussion has never been cut off.The British philosopher,Bernard Williams once said:"the ethical thinking of the purpose is to help us build a world of our own,in this world,we will have a social,cultural and personal life."The rapid development of the current society,the ethics of thinking and practice has been left behind.China's ethical thought is rich and unique,we need to get the essence from the traditional ethics,and get the thinking of the development of modern social ethics.Laozi's ethics can open a different field of vision for us.The thought can overcome the limitations of time and space to awaken people's conscience,to think and reflect on the good,but also to guide people to see more detailed,deeper and deeper.
Keywords/Search Tags:natural way, way of administering a country, way of cultivating one's moral character
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