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Tang Shaozu's "Continuation Of Selected Works" Study

Posted on:2017-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330512967358Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The "Xuanxue" style became less popular in the Ming Dynasty, but the GuangXuBuBen of "WenXuan"enjoyed great popularity at this time as a special style, of which, however, little study was done. "XuWenXuan" by Tang Shaozu in the Ming Dynasty was one of the "Xuan", which was regarded as a forbidden book by the Qing Dyansty, on which few writers commented, expect a few words in the book "SiKuQuanShuZongMuTiYao" by Guan Chen. Recently Hao Xingzi and Xujie mentioned it in their papers, without special study. In this articles, the author will try to make a systematic study about the book on the base of the former writers'opinion about the book. There are six chapters in the book.In the first chapter, the author will write the background of Tang Shaozu and the book "XuWenXuan". Meanwhile, I will give a study according to the "XiGuiTang" edition.In the second chapter, the author will simply introduce the articles in the book "XuWenXuan", at the same time, the style of the works, the origin of the poems, the dynasty of the articles and unusual writers'works will be studied, so that we can made a detailed analysis of the book's character.In the third chapter, the author makes an analysis on the style of the "XuWenXuan". The 37 articles consists of CiFu, poems and essays three styles. Sao and Qi are included in poems and Zhao and Ce in the assays. CiFu was classified into 12 category; poems are classified into Shi, Ge, Qu, Sao and Qi, which were mainly written by the author in the Ming Dynasty; Essays are mainly classified into Shu, Xu, and LianZhu.In the forth chapter, the articles in the book are classified into two main parts--MingQian and Ming. In Ming Qian, CiFu are mainly from "WenYuanYingHua"; Essays are from "WenYuanYingHua" and other books, such as "YiWenLeiJu", "WenXinDiaoLong" and "GuangHongMingJi". Documents in the Ming Dynasty mainly contain poems, and poems in TangQian are written by famous writers, such as "GuShiJi" by FengWeiNe. Works in the Tang and Ming are mostly from "GuJinShiShan".In chapter five, the study is divided into two time zone to make a comparison between "XuWenXuan" and "WenXuan", so that we can find the advantages and shortcomings of the book. First, I make a simple comparison between "XuWenXuan" and "MengBuXuNi", "WenXuanBuYi" and "FengYaYi". Second, I also compare the book with "GuanWenXuan", "GuangGuanWenXuan", "GuangWenXuan", "WenXuanZengBu" and "XuWenXuan". Liu and Zhou's book are my main target for their popularity. I mainly point out the book's value and advantages by the study, which makes the readers realize its position and value in the literary history.In the sixth chapter, the author studies the change and inheritance of "WenXuan" according to its styles and writing thoughts. In a word, "XuWenXuan" corresponds with "Xuan", which makes it more formal. As for its value and influence, we will discuss it on the base of its influence on social politics, economy, literature argument and its additions. In this book, the author mainly makes a comparison between "XuWenXuan" and "XuGuWenYuan" by Sun Xingyan.In addition, the author points out its shortcomings in the end, hoping to comment on the book objectively. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is with "XuWenXuan". The influence of the book is far-reaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang ShaoZu, "XuWenXuan", thoughts, origion
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