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Research On Old Studies During The Republic Of China

Posted on:2017-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B T MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330512967328Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The studies of Lao-tzu is a kind of knowledge that evolved from interpretation and development of Lao-tzu by ancient scholars and it has different characteristics in different ages, especially in the period of Republic of China. A research on the studies of Lao-tzu in the period of Republic of China not only can deepen its inherent characteristics, analyze its theoretical characteristics, but also can catch the whole picture of academic thoughts during the period of Republic of China. On the other hand, it is also an important part of the studies on Lao-tzu in modem history of China and it can enrich and expand the studies of Lao-tzu in modem and the whole history of China by studying it.It can be divided into four parts by different way of interpreting Lao-tzu:The interpretation of Lao-tzu by Confucianism, the interpretation of Lao-tzu by the thought of Buddhism, the interpretation of Lao-tzu by western culture and the interpretation of Lao-tzu by Chu-tzu. The interpretation of Lao-tzu by Confucianism is representative by Xu Ang's Interpretation of Tao Te Ching By Confucianism and Ma Qichang's Ancient Lao-tzu. It mainly interprets Lao-tzu by Analects of Confucius, Mencius, the book of changes and theory of temperament in Song-Ming Dynasty; The interpretation of Lao-tzu by the thought of Buddhism is representative by Liang Qichao's The Philosophy of Lao-tzu, Zhang Chunyi's The Interpretation of Lao-tzu and Ma Yifu's Annotations of Lao-tzu. It mainly interprets Lao-tzu by Bhuta-samjna, Tathata, Karma, etc; The interpretation of Lao-tzu by western culture is representative by Zhi Weicheng's The Punctuation and Annotations of Lao-tzu and Li Jieyusheng's The research of Lao-tzu's Politics. It mainly interprets Lao-tzu by being and political thoughts; The interpretation of Lao-tzu by Chu-tzu is representative by Mu Zhuan's The Ancient of Lao-tzu and Chen Zhu's The Interpretation of Lao-tzu By Han feizi, Eight essays about Lao-tzu. It mainly interprets Lao-tzu by Huai Nan Tzu, chuang tzu, Han feizi, etc.Through the explanations above, we can concluded the characteristics of Lao-tzu in the period of Republic of China as following three points. Firstly, there are various ways on interpretation of Lao-tzu and it pays more attention to coalition in thought; Secondly, it has two different pattern (interpretation by traditional way and interpretation by modem way) on ways of interpretation; Thirdly, due to its special period, it presents national salvation obviously.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Period of Republic of China, The studies of Lao-tzu, The way of interpretation of Lao-tzu, Characteristics
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