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Research On The "Kronstadt Incident"

Posted on:2017-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330512468041Subject:Modern World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the revolution, the marines in Kronstadt were the most loyal supporters of Bolshevism and played an important role in February Revolution, October Revolution, and Civil War. However, these men started a rebellion against the Bolsheviks in March, 1921. They established Temporary Revolutionary Committee, and put forward their own political outline and economic demand. Facing the rebellion, the government quickly gathered the army to repressed this event with force, and qualified it as "In the support of foreign forces, the rebellion is organized by White Guard, Social Revolutionary Party and Mensheviks to against the Soviet." But, in fact, the government only needed to deal with the marines and workers in Kronstadt without any foreign forces. What's more, the Soviet government proposed a new economic policy at the same time developing the economy significantly.The Kronstadt Event is an important event in the initial period of the Russian Communism. It is very meaningful to learn something from this event. This thesis aims to review and explain this historical event clearly and comprehensively under the help of the former works and deciphering profiles.It is composed of four parts.The first part tells us the background of the Kronstadt mutiny, including the marines'support for Bolshevism, the marines'help in February Revolution, October Revolution, and Civil War. After that, it summarizes the origin of the rebellion:the Bolshevik is a monopoly party implementing the terror reign caused the dissatisfaction of people; the economic situation before the event;the influence on the marines caused by the farmers'uprising and the workers'strike; the marines'own needs are not being met;the measures taken by the Soviet government.The second part introduces the event in detail. The process and result of the event, which detailedly describes the uprising of the Kronstadt marines and the government's force repression.The third part is to re-examine the property of the Kronstadt event from two aspects. Firstly, the Soviet government qualifies this event as "In the support of foreign forces, the rebellion is organized by White Guard, Social Revolutionary Party and Mensheviks to against the Soviet." Secondly, Kronstadt event redressed by Boris Yeltsinrthe marines'political appeal are reasonable;The Mensheviks and Social Revolutionary Party don't play a leading roles in the rebellion;White Guard and foreign force don't directly involved in the event.The fourth part is several thoughts of the Kronstadt event. Firstly, the Kronstadt event broke out in March, and the climate is winter in Russia, so is there a certain relation between the outbreak of the event and the natural climate. Moreover, the Soviet government proposed a new economic policy at the same time. So what is the role of the Kronstadt event during the establishment of New Economic Policy?...
Keywords/Search Tags:The Kronstadt Event, Mutiny, New economic policy, The centralism regime
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