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Notes On Jiang Fan's Poetry Notes Of BanYueLouShiChao

Posted on:2017-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330488968729Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jiang Fan,was Yangzhou school of the representative figure of the Qing dynasty.Meanwhile,His book the Inheriting of Han Academic Tradition is famous throughout the world.Early from Yu Xiao ke,Jiang Sheng,was handed down Hui Dong's study.As a generation of Confucianism,Jiang Fan widely learned from history and Confucianism classics.He had devoted to scholarly research and writings,for the classics,and even left a valuable theoretical academic writings in the Qing dynasty.Jiang Fan was homeless all his life,but he widely made friends.Then he often talked about poems and learned from each other.During these time,he didn't give up writing.Through he was outstanding for Confucianism classics,he also had writed a lot of poetry lyrics.For poetry,when he was a child,he could write some poems,such as a poem with five characters to a line or seven characters to a line.and 15 years old started learning poetry,back to the old age of breath in the Li Men,poetry has been uninterrupted.Unfortunately,most of the poems were already lost,and not widely,now the only remaining copy "YiBingJi"(one hundred and twenty-eight)in two volumes,and Ban YueLouShiChao(one hundred and seventy-three)three volumes,referring to him as otherwise six poems of Yi Shi.Jiang Fan for poetry,little utility objective,and more inclined to inner natural feelings.By poems,mainly divided into four categories about friendship,paintings,history,landscape,and there were largest number of poems about friendship.From these,we can track on his life.In terms of artistic expression of poetry,Jiang Fan widely absorb the Han Wei,Tang poetry essence,combined with their own life experience and life feeling,gradually formed unique personal artistic style.Both extensive use of allusions,adopting previous verse,or diffuse in the Buddha's breath in poems,or mix in the scenery description,show a pure and fresh and natural style and features of harmony.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiang Fan, BANYUELOUSHICHAO, annotation, content, artistic features
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