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On The Promotion Model Of Public Education In Art Museums

Posted on:2017-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q WangFull Text:PDF
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In the 21 st century, the idea of multi art education and the function transfer of new museum(gallery) have been put forward. And the “Gallery Education” has been a new-developed and very potential researching area. The education project of the gallery has been the important standards to see if the public function and popular function have been achieved.The histories of western museums are long and the popularization models of the gallery education are comparatively better. The gallery education in Taiwan has been influenced by the western countries for a long time. Hence, the gallery education model is developed to be different both under the influence of Chinese civilization and western traditions. This dissertation aims to analyze the experience and shortcoming in the popularization of gallery education by exploring Taiwan G Gallery. This dissertation will step forward to make suggestions on the popularization of gallery education in China mainland.The first part will briefly descript the evolution of western gallery education ideas and will introduce some of the education models of the western gallery in details. The historical symbol of western gallery has been changed from the museum aims at studies and research to independent art museum and finally came to the new “gallery education”. The gallery makes different images of citizens in different historical times to express the multi-ages backgrounds and current corresponding visual arts forms. The gallery education is carried out by means of exhibition, visiting, education area and internship project which make the audience know the sense of belonging to the local culture and the inner images of beauty inside the heart of audience shall be promoted.Introduce the popularization models which will be divided into 3 periods by the example of Taiwan G Gallery. The first period is separated multi education activities. In the fist decade of the opening, the former Taiwan G Gallery held a lot of activities based on the local customs and exhibition to explore the educating activities models by the gradual accumulation of the experience. The second period is the model of closed time. The stuff of the gallery go out of the gallery and to the schools and communities which are far away from. The gallery gives opportunities to learners and visitors to have new perspectives to observe the world and experience the mutli-functions of the gallery education. The third period is the model ofself-directed “educational study center”. The gallery, as a non-official, explores how the children and special audience group break the fixed idea modes and organize the education system based on the current materials.The third part will analyze the gallery-school cooperation model of Taiwan galleries from the perspectives of educational design ideas, educational activities methods and contents and educational activities comments based on the case study of “2014 Taiwan Biennial”The forth part will promote the self-awareness toward the professional gallery education area and based on the self-examination of former Taiwan Gallery.For the conclusion, the dissertation will put forward the practical suggestions on gallery education popularization based on the popularization models of Taiwan gallery and in accordance with the meaning of public education and society responsibility in the China mainland.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gallery, Public Education, Taiwan Gallery, Career of China Galleries
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