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China's Study Of Russian Cultural Diplomacy

Posted on:2017-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330482487895Subject:International politics
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After the cold war, the process of economic globalization and political multi polarization in gradually accelerated, the world culture towards the direction of diversification, international culture increasingly attention of the government and citizens of other countries, international cultural exchanges reached an unprecedented scale and level, cultural diplomacy has become an important part of the diplomatic policies around the world. Cultural diplomacy and political diplomacy, economic diplomacy, military diplomacy complement each other, and jointly assume responsibility for the realization of national interests. Cultural diplomacy to rich and colorful form of cultural exchange, governments, international organizations, social groups and non-governmental cultural exchanges provides a broad platform, to expand cultural cognition of the world, enhance mutual trust and friendly countries in the world to the important role. China and Russia are the biggest neighbors, but also a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations, in which many common or similar problems are faced. In recent years, with China and Russia in the economic and social activities of frequent exchanges, the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the field of cultural diplomacy is increasing, a variety of form of cultural diplomacy between China and Russia and achieved obvious results. Sino Russian cultural diplomacy has become an important part of Sino Russian relations.The first part is mainly about the concept of culture and cultural diplomacy are defined. In recent years, the relationship between culture and diplomacy in academic circles has been paid more and more attention. In international politics, culture mainly refers to the common knowledge or collective knowledge formed by the interaction of individuals, which is a kind of social common and structured knowledge, including norms, conventions, customs and institutions, etc.. This paper argues that cultural diplomacy, cultural diplomacy is to government officials, especially in the central government under the guidance of the premise, through the dissemination of culture, cultural exchanges, communication and cultural cooperation for the content, in order to achieve specific political purposes, and ultimately the interests of the state and to carry out diplomatic. Cultural diplomacy in its unique form plays a role, which makes the cultural diplomacy is not only an important means to realize the national strategic target, also became the state in shaping international image, an effective way to improve the country's soft power, while promoting the understanding and cooperation between countries, so as to further safeguard world peace and stability.The second part focuses on the analysis of the measures and characteristics of Sino Russian cultural diplomacy. Sino Russian cultural diplomatic activities are rich and varied, in the education field of diplomacy, mainly focus on the Chinese teaching and cooperation in running schools, signed a series of treaties; pay attention to talents and academic exchanges, sending students to learn, and hold higher education exhibition and forum activities. In the field of literature, pay attention to the promotion of Chinese outstanding literary works, Chinese classical literature and modern literature in Russia is a large number of translation and dissemination. In the field of art, pay attention to painting and photography exhibition, to promote Chinese music art into Russia, and cooperation in the field of music education. From the practice of Sino Russian cultural diplomacy, cultural diplomacy between China and Russia presents a systematic, regular, and presents the characteristics of wide coverage, multi-level participation.The third part focuses on the analysis of the influence of cultural diplomacy between China and Russia and the existing problems. China's cultural diplomacy to Russia not only promote the further development of Sino Russian relations, promote the development of bilateral economic and trade relations, but also promote the Chinese and Russian folk exchanges, promote mutual understanding. Therefore, the importance of Sino Russian cultural diplomacy has an important strategic significance for the relationship between the two countries. Cultural diplomacy between China and Russia is facing the problem is mainly divided into the following several aspects: first of all, there are differences in cultural identity between China and Russia, Russia's development of China have doubts; secondly, the mechanism of China's cultural diplomacy is not perfect, the lack of a unified coordination mechanism; thirdly, China's lack of specialized for personnel of foreign affairs of the Russian culture; in addition, the status of China's cultural diplomacy needs to be improved, cultural industry in Russian cultural diplomacy in the proportion of the lower.The fourth part mainly discusses the Countermeasures of China to strengthen the Russian cultural diplomacy. China to carry out cultural diplomacy of Russia must be first enhanced mutual political trust, expand cultural exchanges; perfect the system of cultural diplomacy, to establish and perfect the relevant agencies of the cultural diplomacy, and focus on the development of multicultural diplomacy; cultural diplomacy in the country to enhance the strategic position, the establishment of cultural diplomacy strategy theory framework, weakening the political; and to strengthen cultural exchanges with Russia, the development of cultural industries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture, Cultural Diplomacy, China, Russia
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