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The Involvement And Integration Of Ceramic Elements In The Home Space

Posted on:2018-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ShiFull Text:PDF
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Ceramic art is an important part of the history of the development of Chinese civilization,the invention and development of ceramics has made a unique contribution to the progress and development of human society,and Chinese porcelain,because of its high practicality and artistry,is highly praised by the world.In the development of human history,pottery is always closely related to people's lives.With unpredictably changing color,pottery,showing both natural mud texture and occasional kiln change to glaze,has a strong artistic appeal and affinity,and is an ancient and stylish art form.Nowadays when the personalized home is emphasized,the concept of home decoration has also undergone a huge change,people abandon the flashy decoration and set their sights on simple,gracious and elegant artwork,the choice of decorations for the home space is particularly important,and,pottery,called "art of perfect combination of heart with hands",goes into the home space with the earthly flavors of original fresh soil,and meets the people's spiritual needs.With concordances of art,and craftsmen's spirit,rustic,gorgeous,delicate and graceful,ceramic art as a form of independent artwork,features the aesthetic artistic value and meets the usage requirements of people.In short,pottery can not only decorate the home,increase the delight of life,and its simple,natural,cordial atmosphere washes off the indifference of current social and mechanical civilization and tedium of fast-paced life,injecting vigor into people's living,and enabling the people to quiet down,slow down,and taste the life.The intervention and integration of ceramic elements with the home life require continued innovation and development,and need our unceasing exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:ceramics, ceramic elements, home space, intervention, integration
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