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The Application Of Regional Culture In The Waterfront Landscape Of University Campus

Posted on:2017-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z HouFull Text:PDF
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Today Waterfront Landscape Design of College a "similar" development model, waterfront space different in different parts of the campus design showing a "cookie-cutter" phenomenon. It is because of the trend of globalization, regional culture is gradually leading to the loss of a growing lack of awareness of regional culture caused. Campus waterfront landscape in the construction process is not correctly recognize the importance of their own regional culture, copy the western waterfront landscape design pattern, there a number of landscape and campus culture inconsistent. Based on this, according to the intended application of regional culture in the campus waterfront landscapes to explore and attempt designed to meet the campus cultural characteristics of waterfront landscape.In this paper, in-depth study of regional culture in the campus waterfront landscape design, proposed to build regional waterfront campus cultural landscape, not only to promote local cultural landscape development in the university campus, the campus reflects the geographical and cultural characteristics, promote campus spiritual civilization, establish a good image of the school, but also teachers and students a clear understanding of the importance of regional culture, to deepen the impression of the school, on the campus of regional culture have a strong sense of belonging and a sense of memory, inheritance and dissemination of campus culture play a major role.Therefore, the content of the article by five chapters on topics studied in the last chapter of Jinming Campus of Henan University of waterfront landscape design and planning, theory and practice together. Its contents and procedure as follows:First, the significance of the topic from the theoretical and practical significance as a starting point, through the interpretation of the concepts put forward the purpose and significance of the study, and on the basis of theoretical researches related to the status quo, put forward this topic research content and methods. Second, the proposed regional cultural association between landscape and waterfront campus. First, the constituent elements of local culture is reflected in the campus waterfront landscape design, proposed waterfront campus landscape main constituent elements; secondly, noted that regional culture embodied in the campus waterfront landscape design, summarizes the waterfront campus principles of landscape design; and finally summed up the importance of creating a waterfront view of the campus culture mood. Third, details of regional culture in campus waterfront landscapes. To form and expression based on regional culture, regional culture plays made clear clues landscape waterfront landscape design, landscape-specific expression of the mood and improve the role of the campus culture space, obtained value of landscape design and create a regional culture practices. Fourth, at home and abroad by performing five campus waterfront landscape case studies, summarizes the current status and role of regional culture in the campus culture, regional culture has on future construction waterfront campus landscape provide practical basis. V. Review of the significance of this paper, aimed at building with a geographical and cultural characteristics of the campus waterfront landscape, so that the majority of teachers and students in the campus feel virtually waterfront landscape unique culture, enhance memory sense of the campus. By Jinming Campus of Henan University waterfront landscape design, fully reflect the geographical and cultural characteristics of Kaifeng, so that teachers and students will be big river excellent campus culture in the region develop and passed along.Moment, theoretical research on campus waterfront landscape and reflect the cultural heritage of the region is not perfect, but with the social and economic development of civilization, urban waterfront area of research has been maturing area of urban development of regional cultural heritage momentum. College Waterfront Regional Cultural Landscape design will follow the development of the times, has become the mainstream of the development of landscape design, provide practice for campus cultural transmission theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:regional culture, campuses, waterfront
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