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A Comparative Study Of The Similarities And Differences Between The Dialects Of Li Ethnicity In Hainan Province

Posted on:2018-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H SiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2351330533962078Subject:Costume design and engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Clothing is the necessities of human life,and also the carrier of national social and cultural symbols.In order to meet the basic needs of the shelter,while being given a certain social and cultural connotations.Li nationality is a nation who only has language without words.In the long process of development,Li nationality garment is like the text of Li,recorded Li people's lives in all aspects,is the symbol of Li,is an important representative of its culture.Li is the living nation of Hainan Island,has a long history,and also the earliest in its breeding of the nation.Due to the natural environment,production and living customs,population and language differences,Li nationality divided into Ha dialect,Qi dialect,Run dialect,Sai dialect,Meifu dialect.Each dialect has many small branches,each dialect has its own characteristics of clothing,the different of clothing shape,color,pattern constitute a variety of Hainan Li costumes.Clothing is one of the main forms of traditional Li culture,to make Li clothing better to be inherited and protected,we can not just stay in the overall level of Li clothing,but should be more in-depth study of the Li nationality under the dialect differences in clothing,tap the dialect clothing differences behind the cultural elements.So this article to Hainan Li ethnic dialect garments as the object of study,mapping the unique character of the traditional costume culture of Li nationality dialect,is a symbol of Li women's spiritual and wisdom.Li's living habits,cultural practices,religious beliefs,aesthetic consciousness and other cultural characteristics of the Li nationality has a direct impact on its clothing,sort out the cause of this differences,in order to better protect the traditional Li costumes are not weakened and assimilated,but to show their artistic characteristics,which was carried forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li nationality, dialect, clothing, similarities and differences
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