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Similarities And Differences, Like The Development And Application Of Mixed Diazo Copy Film

Posted on:2002-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191360032953230Subject:Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
AII kinds of sensitive film are wiIdly used in the process of map, graphicand image duplication. Silver salt sensitive materiaI is made of limited naturalresourceesilver, so thc research fOr non-silver salt Iight sensitive material toreplacc silvcr salt light scnsitive matcrial is always a hot question fOrdiscussion in thc field of duplication. In this paper diazo film, which is coveredwith sensitive layer made up of adjaccncy diazo quinione photosensitiveemulsion and grouped resin light, is deeply researched, and a new kind of filmis invented. The film is applied to not only positive duplication but alsonegative duplication.In this paper a prescription of diazo sensitive gIue which not only havepositive-sensitive duplication character but also have negative-sensitiveduplication characten is provided, through analyzing diazo seusitive theoryand researching thc structurc, pcrfOrmance and proportion of sensitivc-IaycreIement. On the basic of rcversal imaging theory, this papcr gives thc principIeof selecting or researching highly activated reversal emulsion. The rcversalemuIsion seIcctcd under the dircction of this principIe heightens reactioncfficiency and makes the temperature decrease under 80C in the heat processof ncgative imaging, so it ensures the stabiIity of film sise. In the papcr, thedifficult problem of seIecting color-dye for bIack image and heightening imagedensity is reso1ved. At same time a new method, in which acid-sensitive coIormaterial is added into photosensitive layer to make the density of imaged filmnot reduce but improve during the period of saving and exposure to Iight, isgivcn. In order to resoIve cxposal problem of highly density diazo film, adoubIe-side cxposurc tcchnology is given. For adapting various application offilm duplication, many ldnds of color-dye arc discussed and various color films(such as red, yellow, brown, purple, ctc) are dcveloped. These expandapplication rangc of film.Thc film can apply to not only positivc copMositivc film duplicationbut also positive copynegative film or negative copypositive fiImduplication, even special duplication: negative copy+positive copypositivefilm. Tbe film has many characters such as great latitude of deveIopiug audexposure, high resolution, exccllent image density high contrast, low fOgdcnsity So tbc film can replacc silvcr salt film to duplicatc graphic or image,copy map negative and apply to map multicolor prooL The film has grcatutility value and application futurc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Similarities
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