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Research On The Legal System Of Strategic Reserve Of Rare Earth Resources In China

Posted on:2014-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2350330488997574Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,along with the rapid development of economy in our country,the increasing demand for rare earths,at the same time,the world's rare earth resources supply and demand situation has become increasingly severe;greatly threaten the sustainable development of the rare earth resources in our country.Rare earth resources,however,as a kind of strategic resources,its safety is not only economic,political,and defense of a country has an important value,and the environment but also to international economic development and harmonious political situation will have far-reaching impact.Foreign practice shows,the establishment of legal system of rare earth resources reserve is very important to protect a country's rare earth resources safety.However,in the rare earth resources reserve legal system construction in China at the fledgling stage,a lot of content in a blank state.Implementation of strategic reserves of rare earth resources in our country,therefore,building strategic reserves of rare earth resources legal system has the reality and urgency.Rare earth resources,although the advantage of our resources,but its dominant position in the domestic and international environment under the influence has been threatened.China also began a phased in social practice rare earth reserves,and standardize strategic reserves of rare earth resources mainly scattered in a number of policies,laws and normative content is missing.Papers from the build strategic reserves of rare earth resources,the theoretical basis of the legal system,realistic foundation and foreign-related legal system resource reserves examine three aspects,the establishment of strategic reserves of rare earth resources in the legal system made specific recommendations.For its theoretical basis,from the theory of sustainable development,resource scarcity theory and other theories of the basic meaning of the background and starting from these theories and the relationship between strategic reserves of rare earth unfold,revealing the sustainable development theory and other theories to be able to establish strategic rare earths reserves the legal system to provide a theoretical reference.For its foundation in reality,one introduces the stage of China's rare earth resources development and utilization of some of the problems;second is China's rare earth reserves,the policy of the sort;third,the current practice of China's rare earth reserves the performance of the show.For foreign-related resources reserve legal system and its Enlightenment to study the United States,Japan,EU,South Korea Shikoku mineral resources reserve part of the legal system,on which the reserves of the body,reserve funds,reserve the use of the conditions and procedures for the legal system were the focus of presentations,and through comparative analysis concluded is worth our reference section.For building strategic reserves of rare earth legal system specific proposals,mainly from the reserve target,the main reserves,the reserve fund raising and other legal systems are emphasized.Through the above analysis and research,the paper concludes that:build China's rare earth reserves the necessity and legal system with realistic;followed by the legal system should cover the form of reserves,the reserve fund,the management system and legal responsibilities,etc.;Finally,in reference to the advanced system at the same time,must be based on the actual situation of China's rare earth,rare earth building with Chinese characteristics reserve legal systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rare earth resources, a strategic reserve, Legal system of reserves
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