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Local Property Insurance Company Enterprise Performance And Influence Factors Analysis

Posted on:2017-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L JiaFull Text:PDF
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China has a vast territory,and large difference in Eastern and Western economic development level. Along with the regional difference,the development level of property insurance have great difference. Generally speaking, China's property insurance company's market concentration is high, which belongs to the typical oligopoly market. Specific to the different regions, the provincial insurance market structure and competition is also a great difference. As one of the pillar of the financial industry, insurance industry, itself can play an important role in the process of development of local economy, but is different with the banking industry, the majority of provinces local insurance legal institutions is the lack of long-term, the majority of provinces in the central and western local insurance company is still in blank. In order to promote the continuous development of the property insurance market, enhance market activity, the market to maintain the healthy operation and survival of the fittest, the insurance regulatory authorities need to have new subject to join in, of course, including the local insurance company. Social capital also keen to pursue the insurance license, hoping to enter the financial industry, business diversification, share opportunities brought by the rapid development of the insurance industry; local governments and local state-owned enterprises value formed by premium income of insurance funds plays such an important role in the development of enterprises and the local economy. The countries for the establishment of local corporate property insurance company policy tilt, of the insurance regulatory authorities support, enthusiastic participation of social capital, and local governments and local state-owned enterprises to set up local property insurance company enthusiasm. Therefore, in recent years, a large number of local insurance companies appear to grow and grow, estimated future there will be more local corporate insurance company that applies for the establishment.In this paper, the research on the local legal person property insurance company is based on the theory of industrial organization and corporate governance. The "market structure, market behavior and market performance" in the theory of industrial organization, that is, the SCP model points out that the market structure determines the market behavior, and then determines the market performance through the market behavior. Through the SCP paradigm of industrial organization theory, interpretation and analysis of the current developing situation and market performance of China's existing local corporate property insurance company, find out the effective factors on the effect caused by the company in which the different regional insurance market structure of local corporate property insurance company, which constitutes the a theoretical foundation and research objectives. At the same time, local corporate property insurance company as local government support, the local state-owned enterprises initiated the establishment of local insurance company, ownership property to the local state-owned enterprises accounted for absolute advantage position, the board of directors and board of supervisors will members mostly from local state-owned enterprises and local government departments, with distinctive local characteristics. Therefore, the theory of corporate governance is the theoretical basis of the study of local corporate property insurance companies. Introduces the current situation of development of local corporate property insurance company, through the characteristics of regional insurance market characteristics and corporate governance. Analysis the current situation of the development of local corporate property insurance company, through empirical method, analysis the factors impact on business performance.At the end of this paper, it points out the problems in the process of the development of the local property insurance company, and puts forward some suggestions. In the process of development of local corporate property insurance company, facing a lot of problems, such as market share, visibility Co., anti risk ability is poor, local government intervention, lack of qualified personnel, other provinces and cities expand dilemma. To solve these problems, the need for a breakthrough in the corporate governance and development model. In terms of corporate governance, correct processing and local government relations, maintaining operational independence and autonomy, to optimize the equity structure of the company, the appropriate introduction of the strength of the large financial groups, overseas strategic investors such as high-quality shareholder, learning advanced company management experience, and constantly improve the corporate governance. In the development model, clear their own positioning, characteristics, specialization, regionalization, in the management of products to avoid ray assimilation, in the market segments to form their own unique business advantages. In addition, the company should keep up with the trend of the times, the development of Internet insurance, strengthen product innovation and personnel training, and constantly improve their competitiveness. As the insurance supervision and administration department, should also in local corporate property insurance company insurance license approval strict checks, prudent to cross regional business local corporate property insurance companies approved, the ownership structure of local corporate property insurance company to be guide and optimize. Only under the joint efforts of the local corporate property insurance companies themselves and the insurance regulatory authorities, the company can achieve long-term development and progress.
Keywords/Search Tags:local legal person, property insurance company, enterprise performance influence factor
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