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Study On Intellectual Property Problems In Shanghai Free Trade Zone: Opportunities, Challenges And Construction

Posted on:2017-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330509455219Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the era of knowledge economy, innovation determines a country's competitiveness as an important factor. Shanghai Free Trade test area as an important window for China's opening up, bear an important mission, particularly intellectual property rights protection Shanghai Free Trade test area is a measure of an important driving force FTA the healthy development. Protection of intellectual property is a key part of Shanghai FTA development, and the quality level of Shanghai FTA intellectual property protection directly reflects the Shanghai Free Trade Area of the level of intellectual property protection.The main significance of writing this includes theoretical and practical significance. In a theoretical sense by collecting and analyzing information related to the issues of intellectual property protection of Shanghai FTA currently appears in more detailed analysis and propose ideas. A theoretical study of Shanghai FTA to promote intellectual property protection issues have meaning, while our FTA intellectual property protection metrics provide a new theoretical reference. From the practical significance Firstly FTA intellectual property protection has important practical significance for the promotion of intellectual property and innovation of building an innovative country. Second FTA is China's first built "customs territory" mode, no experience of intellectual property protection, which restricts the development of Shanghai's free trade zone. The goal of Shanghai FTA is established to promote replication, it can be for our intellectual property protection strategy from the Free Trade Area Construction provides reference.Innovation research include innovative research ideas and innovation research perspective. Innovation is reflected in the research study from the perspective of different disciplines of Shanghai FTA, innovative ideas are the basis of FTA issues of intellectual property protection research and analysis on the problem of intellectual property protection and actively explore for achieving Shanghai FTA management innovation, accumulated experiences and new important mission to promote economic growth, free trade zone is of great significance. In the context of building an innovative country, between its various elements are not isolated but constantly interacting, interrelated, FTA focuses on intellectual property protection issues, combined with foreign experience to protect intellectual property rights. Important and difficult mainly in data acquisition and analysis, and must be combined with the actual build the appropriate policies.This article first opportunity Shanghai Free Trade test area facing the analysis, the focus of policy analysis to facilitate domestic Shanghai Free Trade test area provided opportunities mean more challenges likely to face more and then analyzed Shanghai Free Trade test area exist problem. Currently domestic intellectual property protection to Shanghai Free Trade test area exist without making specific legal protection, the need to further deepen the discussion. This paper argues that an important factor in the protection of the relationship between Shanghai Free Trade test area of intellectual property good development Shanghai Free Trade test area.Reasonable intellectual property protection is essential to the development of Shanghai Free Trade Zone. In experiments on the Shanghai Free Trade Zone existing intellectual property issues on the basis of analysis, drawing on the Free Trade protection experience, combined with national conditions and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of healthy and benign Shanghai Free Trade Experimental Area. Study on intellectual property protection, for the realization of Shanghai FTA "actively explore innovative management model" an important mission of promoting economic growth and free trade zone of Shanghai is of great significance. Shanghai should be more likely to face traditional FTA FTA infringement of intellectual property rights in chronic illness, should improve the level of IPR protection Shanghai FTA, so they can not become the hardest hit of intellectual property infringement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanghai Free Trade Zone, intellectual property, opportunity, challenge, construction
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