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Research On Employees Training System Improvement In D Oil Production Plant

Posted on:2017-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X LiuFull Text:PDF
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In the context of the reform of state-owned enterprises,the possibility of oil companies continued to introduce a large number of personnel is almost zero, staff not added, and to maintain the vitality of enterprises and enterprise efficiency, continued to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, it is necessary to pay attention to human resources, take measures to improve staff quality and ability. D oil production plant as a typical state-owned enterprises, affected talent introduction channels and other factors,the presence of internal human resources underutilized phenomenon, an urgent need to focus on the optimization of human resources training system, internal potential to improve the quality of staff, multi-skill focus on cultivating high-quality staff, quality cost-effective for enterprises to provide human support sustainable development, and constantly adapt to the changing needs of enterprise development.In this paper, D Oil Production Plant staff training for the study, in the basis of relevant theories staff training theory, and so on constitute the training system,combined with the organizational Structure ?the situation of persons and the status of the training system D Production Plant, through questionnaires, interviews and participation in the implementation of training and other tracking methods, from all aspects of the training system consisting of the analysis of the whole process of oil extraction plant D training system is currently running, identified D Oil Production Plant is currently present in the training process of training organization system confusion, lack of process system projects, the lack of specific design content,institutional system is not perfect and so on. Combined with D Oil Production Plant Human Resources Management Direction and staff training objectives focus, an optimization strategy training organization system, process system, the institutional system, support system, change the current staff training expectations are not high, poor training effect of the status quo from the source, to build the adaptation D Production Plant actual system of staff training programs. At last,in order to ensure the effective implementation of the training, from the training hardware construction, learning organizational culture, training funds management,training compensation system construction, safeguard measures D Oil Production Plant of the effectiveimplementation of the training program, thus promoting the training system to rebuild the smooth and effective implementation of, and ensure the quality of training.
Keywords/Search Tags:employees training, training system, improvement research
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