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Research On Young Employee Incentive Mechanism In YK Oil Production Plant

Posted on:2017-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q DuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rece nt ye ars, with the continuous l owi ng international oil price, economy development pattern and economic structure has undergone profound conversi on and adjustment. For the dom estic oil and gas field compani es, the major met hod t o stabili ze and enhance production is t he advance of petroleum technology and the innovation of manageme nt measures, all of which are tightly depends on the i ntel lectual and act support of employee.The yo ung employe e, absolute advantage in proportion, it is no doubt that they are the m ost im portant HR resource in the com pany. However, at the present, t here is little study on t he incentive mechanis m of young employee. YK oil production plant in this paper, is an oil and gas field company in Changyua n peripheral low permeability oil field of Daqing Oilfield,featuring the ear li est development, the large st production and the highe st poli tical status. S o,t he ex ampl e of the YK oil production is very representative. The probe of yo ung empl oyee i ncentive mechanism from horizontal and vertical perspectives has gr eat meaning for oil product ion indust ry.According to the definiti on of youth both at home and abroad, the paper gives the defi nition of yo ung employee, and then clarify t he scope of i t i n YK oil producti on plant.Theref ore, the object of study and the principals and theories are det ermined. Then, the paper studies the curre nt s ituation of young employe e incent ive mechanism from the aspect s of overall employee condit ion and sat isfaction through t he method of pract ice investigation and questionnaire. Five major problems and reasons have been proposed. After that, combining wit h incentive mechanis m theori es, the paper conceives the idea of horizontal and vert ica l i ncentive mechanism and based on this, designs and optimizes t he yo ung em ploye e i ncentive m echanism and proposes four supporting measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Young em ploye e, incentive, vertical mechanism, horiz ontal mechanism
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