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Research On Management Of The Overall Budget Of Sx Finance Leasing Companies

Posted on:2017-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F TianFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of the world economy and the financial industry, financial instruments constantly enrich the world the rise of various forms of financial services industry, finance lease on to one of them. Of financial leasing industry in the early investors did not get the attention, but with the economic development and innovative finance methods,more and more investors discover the advantages of financial leasing, financial leasing industry began to generate interest. With the Politburo examined and approved the overall scheme of four FTA, financial leasing has become the Tianjin Free Trade Area and Shanghai FTA key development target.According SX finance leasing company in recent years of development, the company's overall budget management of institutional settings, the status of preparation, monitoring implementation of the adjustments and the assessment and evaluation carried out in-depth and thorough analysis to identify financial leasing company in SX budget management structure overall budget management imperfect, does not consider the value of the overall budget management enterprises drivers, there are loopholes in the financial management system, formulate development strategies and decomposition and disjointed budget targets,the lack of effective budget monitoring system, the budget targets poorly designed these six questions and problem-budget management organizational structure, corporate strategy based on the value chain on the basis of the development of a comprehensive budget system,improve the SX finance leasing company financial management system, the scientific budget goal setting and decomposition, dynamic monitoring of the overall budget management, to build BSC and EVA performance evaluation system combines six suggestions to improve SX finance leasing company's internal controls.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leasing, budget, strategy, Value Chain
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