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Study The Information Age In The Public Sector Human Resource Incentives

Posted on:2016-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330479480099Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contemporary social development, information technology has penetrated into all walks of life, and has been widely promoted. In the information age the importance of public sector human resource management incentives also will stand out. Who is the subject of the work of the public sector, the process for the development and management of the public sector and the public sector to achieve the strategic objectives plays a pivotal role. In promoting "people-oriented" Today, we not only learn through the network and learn the successful experience of Western countries human resource management theory and practice in the public sector, but also to pay attention to the use and development of human resources, let this become a sustainable resource technology and true carrier of culture, and make full use of incentives to such scientific, technical and cultural knowledge to use in management practice among public affairs, thereby enhancing China's comprehensive strength.The article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter, first read through the literature and research to understand the basic background of public sector human resource incentives, significance of the topic, as well as current research. The second chapter,it to explain the theoretical basis of the relevant human resource management and incentive mechanisms and constituents. Starting from the analysis of the information age and influence in this era of their produce. Based on the above research, status information age of public sector human resource management incentives. The third chapter analyzes the G Case of incentives under the Human Resources Information Age, through the example of our theoretical analysis can make more realistic and vivid instructive value. The fourth chapter explores the successful experience of Western countries public sector human resource management and incentive to learn. The fifth chapter, followed by the subsequent analysis of the information under the age of human resource management incentives to improve our response.Analysis the current situation of the information age in the public sector under the human resources incentives articles using case studies, comparative law, literature reading method and other techniques. Therefore, in the information age, incentives become a topic in the field of human resources management is widely anticipated. With the development of public administration reform and increasing globalization process, public sector human resource management incentives to explore research and the times were very necessary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information, TechnologyPublic, SectorIncentivesHuman, Resources
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