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Socio-economic Survey Of Hunters In The Provinces Of Ogooue Ivindo And Nyanga (Gabon)

Posted on:2016-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Mai NaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hunting is the livelihood of thousands of rural people, and local hunting is a main problem for regional forest wildlife living. In Central Africa bushmeat provides an important protein source for many rural communities for which few other options are available. Local hunting intensity increases, affecting the survival of wildlife and biodiversity protection. For the reason,we have Ogooue Ivindo and Nyanga as the object of study. Research the hunting behavior of main effect factors, and the local villagers'living conditions and socio-economic situation of effect. Aimed at the regional biological diversity protection and hunting behavior of sustainable development of theories.This research survey has 20 villages over Gabon 2 provinces non-long-term hunting of behavior profile, main including six aspects:(1) hunting members of composition; (2) hunting of main purpose; (3) hunting of main animal type; (4) hunting animal of main method; (5) hunting animals of main regional;(6) after killing animals of using way. Through these six aspects of investigation and analysis, we assess the sustainability of the regional hunting. Study found that hunting is still an important food source for local villagers living, mainly involved in hunt-ing activities members were 41-50 male villagers.60-70 people Hunt's main aim is to support the family,51-60, primarily the protection of land,31-50 are mainly career needs. Hunting animals mainly for Blue Antelope (Cephalophus monticola), Porcupine (Atherurus africanus), Red Antelope (Cephalophus SP.) and so on.Hunters often do not exceed the limits of their respective villages and do not go more than one day's journey to capture consumed species.Comparison with various studies conducted previously in Gabon, allows us to think that the increase in forestry activities do not affect considerably the behavior of hunters in Ogooue Ivindo and Nyanga. The parameters such as distance from markets, crowded roads, affect prices of bushmeat. Although there are species protected among animal hunts by hunters, they are fearful of the law (Ministry of Water and Forests) and conservation NGOs. But the most used being the trap width mode, it is difficult to predict a hunter in advance what will be captured. The decrease of animals is recognized by old hunters, but hunters do not exceed the limits of their respective villages and do not go more than one day's journey to capture consumed species.
Keywords/Search Tags:hunting behavior, survey, biodiversity protection
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