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Research On Local Obstacle Avoidance Of Mobile Robot Based On Multi Sensing Information

Posted on:2019-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542482750Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The autonomous obstacle avoidance of the robot is to collect the operating environment information in real time through the sensor,use the intelligent algorithm to dynamically perceive the obstacle,plan the m oving route in real time,and realize the safe operation.Autonomous obstacle avoidance as the core technology and basic performance requirements of transport robot has been a hot research topic of experts and scholars both at home and abroad.With the background of the engineering project of unload handling robot developed by Ford robotic company,the problem of the traditional robot obstacle avoidance technology is insufficient,the complexity and time complexity of the obstacle discrimination algorithm are high,and the autonomous obstacle avoidance technique of the robot is deeply studied.The specific research work is as follows:In this paper,according to the engineering requirements of the intelligent manufacturing for the handling robot,the mechani cal structure,the intelligent control system and the perception system of the unload handling robot are modeled,and the requirements of the handling robot system are analyzed.Then,based on the working mechanism of the laser radar,ultrasonic,infrared and other sensing units and its technical characteristics in the handling robot,the multi sensing information fusion method is used to collect the information of the robot operating environment,and the two-dimensional grid map is constructed according to the three-dimensional environmental information,and the complete obstacle information is obtained.The foundation of the robot’s obstacle avoidance function is laid.Secondly,paper uses grid map combined with classic genetic algorithm,and compare the obstacle avoidance planning method of transport robot in static workspace compared with ant colony algorithm.Then,the dynamic grid map is built on the basis of the dynamic obstacle safety box,and the comprehensive fitness function and the obstacle avoidance strategy are optimized in the improved genetic algorithm,and the obstacle avoidance planning is realized in the typical dynamic environment.Finally,in the function simulation of the unload handling robot established by the V-REP platform,the obstacle avoidance planning function for the static obstacle avoidance and the typical dynamic obstacle is verified.This subject applies the improved optimization algorithm to realize the obstacle avoidance planning based on multi sensing information,and throu gh the simulation verification of the V-REP platform,it has some reference significance to improve the intelligent degree of the handling robot.
Keywords/Search Tags:Handling Robots, Multi Sensing Information Fusion, Grid Map, Genetic Algorithm, Obstacle Avoidance Planning
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