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Online Campus Bookshop Environmental Protection System Design And Development

Posted on:2017-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ZhuFull Text:PDF
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With the improvement of environmental awareness of people around the world,recycling has become a heat topic.However,every year school students throw away or sell countless school textbooks.In the middle schools,students can not really have environmental awareness of the textbook recycling,which has seriously affected the middle schools and hinder the development of national environmental awareness.The first to be resolved is the textbook recycling issues.Online bookstore campus environmental protection system for secondary school students provide school materials recycling or inter-institution open network platform.Students can see a large number of environmental publicity and educational materials recycling news on the platform,educated and inspired.You can not only use the platform to sell their textbooks which are not used or no need in the reasonable trading,but also can be purchased something quickly and inexpensively they need.System is a Web application in VS2010 integrated development platform and created to use C #.NET technology development.It based on B / S structure of the sale of used books network platform,three-tier design,background database using SQL Server server management.The system includes modules propaganda,user management module,the sale of books student module,the administrator management module statistics.The system includes modules propaganda,user management module,the sale of books student module,the administrator management module statistics.As the school system,individual statistics can get for the first time,grade,class materials re-use data,which can advance individual,class group in recognition of encouragement,so on the one hand,it can improve the environmental education in the middle school.On the other hand,it strengthened materials recycling publicity and education work.After the system is tested and has a test run,the problems already have improved and enhanced.Now each functional module has been stable,the operation of the system has gotten agreement and praise in the middle schools.In the true sense,implementing environmental awareness is to achieve some materials recycling and achieve a real sense that it has.
Keywords/Search Tags:Materials recycling, Layered application architecture, Online bookstore
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