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Design And Implementation Of The Management System Of Cloud Storage Campus

Posted on:2017-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330518998778Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
OpenStack Swift storage stable and highly available as open source object by many companies as a commercial deployment.Based on the open source OpenStack Swift cloud computing platform to build an open architecture of private cloud storage platform and based on this platform storage management system based universities,colleges and universities for the characteristics of the storage mode,the storage space as a dynamic resource by the users.And depending on the course,class,professional or group settings to customize the way,according to the orientation of the group shared memory set content.University teachers and students through this system to increase storage for storing data,publishing and management efficiency,students,teachers the flexibility to use this platform to quickly share teaching materials and transport.Swift project using as a platform based on the deployment of the Swift project can be horizontally scalable,distributed subsystems solve courseware produced in the process of teaching colleges and universities,problems of multimedia data storage and horizontal expansion of such object class file and use OAuth,SSO storage platform API standard protocols and interfaces with the completion of user management,module development document management,rights management and other related functions.Then,based on Django's MVC framework,develop the corresponding storage administrators,storage used by the user management interface.The system provides users with file upload,download and share services and provide corresponding to the application file operations corresponding interfaces for campus applications developers to provide a static file storage support,the level of support extended use Swift,high redundancy features,for the massive file storage and storage management colleges provide a solution to ideas and models.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloud storage, OpenStack, Swift, SSO, OAuth
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